Pete Rossi can count on one hand the number of weeks out of the year that he works more than 50 hours. But the rest of the year, his job as an actuary with the Department of Defense, provides a good living with a minimum of stress.
对罗西(Pete Rossi)来说,这一年里有多少周工作超过50小时用一只手就能数得过来。而余下时间里,美国国防部精算师这个工作让他能以极小的压力过着高品质的生活。
That partly explains why actuaries have the best job in the United States, according to a new survey by CareerCast.com that will be released Tuesday. Biomedical engineer was No. 2 and software engineer, the top job of 2012, came in at No.3. Careers that ranked the lowest included enlisted military personnel, lumberjack and newspaper reporter.
CareerCast.com, a career website owned by Adicio Inc., ranked 200 jobs from best to worst based on five criteria: physical demands, work environment, income, stress, and hiring outlook. The firm used data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and other government agencies to determine the rankings. As in prior years, the 200 jobs were selected for their relevance in the current labor market as well as the availability of reliable data.
CareerCast.com是Adicio Inc.旗下的求职网站。该网站基于体能要求、工作环境、收入、工作压力和职业前景这五项因素,对200种职业进行了先后排名。在确定排名次序时,网站采用的是美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)等政府部门的数据。与前些年一样,之所以选择这200个职业,是因为考虑到它们在当前劳动力市场的需求程度以及是否能获得相关可靠数据。
Actuaries put a financial value on risk for instance, the chances of a hurricane destroying a beachfront home or the long-term liabilities of a pension system. In a world awash with risks of the natural and manmade variety, the profession is booming, says Tony Lee, publisher of CareerCast.com. In addition, he says, 'there's a severe shortage of actuaries, ' so wages are rising. (The median salary for actuaries in 2010 was $87, 650, according to the Labor Department.)
精算师的工作是对风险给出一个经济数值。例如,飓风摧毁一幢临海别墅的可能性,或某养老制度的长期负债。CareerCast.com的出版人托尼??李(Tony Lee)说,在一个充满各种自然和人为风险的世界,精算行业正蓬勃发展。他还说,精算师人才目前有很大缺口,所以其薪资还在不断上涨。(据美国劳工部统计,2010年精算师的薪资中值为87,650美元。)
Rossi, 31, spends his days calculating the future costs of the Pentagon's pension, health and education benefits, but says his job involves more than just crunching numbers for spreadsheets. He communicates with other government agencies and brainstorms with colleagues about financial models.
This year, several professions geared toward serving the financial and health needs of an aging population made the top ten, says Lee, including audiologist, financial planner, and physical therapist.
As for the worst job of 2013? Newspaper reporter bumped last year's loser, lumberjack, for the ignominious distinction.
'It's been low for a while, says Lee (last year it was ranked 196 out of 200). 'What probably pushed it to the bottom is that several things got worse job prospects decreased, the average salary continued to fall, and work hours continued to rise. Those factors also make the job more stressful.'
But not every reporter (including this one) would agree with the final assessment.
Rocco LaDuca, covers crime and courts at the Observer-Dispatch in Utica, New York. He says he became a reporter in part because of fond memories of reading newspapers with his grandmother.
拉杜卡(Rocco LaDuca)是纽约州尤蒂卡市(Utica)《观察家快报》(Observer-Dispatch)报道犯罪和法院新闻的记者。他说,之所以选择做记者,一定程度上是源于他和祖母读报的美好记忆。
Pay is an issue, he says (the median salary for reporters in 2010 was $36, 000); he's not sure he can raise a family and send kids to college on a reporter's salary. And yes, the stress and the hours can be taxing. But he says, 'I'm not sure I'd be happy in another setting. I can't think of any job that would be as exciting or as fulfilling as this.'
'People in the community are affected by what I write, ' he says.