When Sheryl Sandberg returned to Harvard Business School for a talk in 2011, her pointed answer to a question from an audience of MBAs drew stunned silence. "If current trends continue, " Sandberg said, "15 years from today, about one-third of the women in this audience will be working full-time and almost all of you will be working for the guy you are sitting next to."
2011年,谢莉尔·桑德伯格重返母校哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)发表演讲。演讲过程中,她对一位MBA学员提问给出的回答,令现场陷入了沉默。桑德伯格说道:“如果当前的趋势继续下去,15年后,现场的女性当中,只有三分之一会从事全职工作,而且,你们基本上都是在给坐在旁边的男生们打工。”
It turns out that the Facebook (FB) COO's gloomy prediction has not materialized. A new study by Harvard Business School published on April 4 shows that only 10% of Generation X alumnae (ages 31 to 47) are at home caring for their children full time. Some 70% of all women alumni from HBS are in the paid workforce, and 56% work full time.
"She is very far off the mark, " says Robin Ely, senior associate dean for culture and community. "There is this image of these women that is not positive. People think they get these MBAs. They have taken a seat from a man and then they go off, get married, and not do anything. But it's just not their experience."
The number that Sandberg, an HBS alumnus, quoted two years ago and in her recently published book, Lean In, comes from an earlier informal study culled from reunion data some 15 years ago. Harvard's new research is the most systematic study ever done of business school alumnae. Dubbed the "Life and Leadership After HBS" survey, the project addresses everything from employment and child-caring responsibilities to personal satisfaction with faith and wealth. The study includes responses from 3, 786 women and 2, 655 men, a response rate of 25% from the 25, 810 who were surveyed. The full results won't be available until later this year, but the school shared key findings around gender to commemorate the admission of women into the two-year MBA program 50 years ago. Only eight women were enrolled in Harvard's first full-time MBA class. Now, women make up 40% of the student body.
同为哈佛商学院校友的桑德伯格,在她最近出版的新书《互依》(Lean In)中也引用了她在两年前提到的数字。这些数字源于一份根据15年前的回访得出的非正式调查结果。而哈佛最新对商学院校友进行了一场最为系统性的研究。这项名为“走出哈佛的生活与领导力”的调查项目,涉及从就业、育儿责任、到对信念和财富的个人满意度等方面,共调查了25,810人,得到了3,786名女性和2,655名男性的响应,回复率为25%。详细结果要在今年晚些时候全部公布,不过,为纪念女性被允许就读两年制MBA学位50周年,哈佛商学院公开了部分与性别有关的调查结果。在当年哈佛首届全日制MBA课程入学登记中,只有8位女性学员。如今,女性学员人数已达40%。
Ely says she regularly confronts the dismal estimates surrounding women dropping out of the workforce. On a recent alumni visit to northern California, Ely says she was horrified to hear a female alum say "' 'I can't believe that 15 years out, only 25% of the women are working.' But after all is said and done, only 10% of women are at home full-time caring for their kids, " says Ely. "And of the people currently at home with kids, we asked if they plan to go back to work. Only 3% said no, 11% were unsure, and 86% said yes."
伊莉表示,她经常听到关于女性将退出职场的惨淡预测。在最近一次拜访北加州的校友活动中,一位女校友说:“真不敢相信,这15年来,只有25%的女性在工作。” 伊莉表示这让她非常震惊。伊莉说道:“实际上,只有10%的女性全职在家照看孩子。而且对于目前在家照看孩子的女性,我们曾询问她们是否计划重新回去工作。只有3%的人表示不会,11%的人尚不确定,而其他86%的人均表示肯定会重返职场。”
Also surprising, adds Ely, was the fact that among women not employed full-time, many were working part-time jobs that average 25 hours in a typical week, and the vast majority (three-fourths) are engaged in pro bono and volunteer efforts. Thirteen percent of Gen X women are working part-time, compared with only 2% of men. Some 63% of the women report regular or significant volunteer commitments. Alumnae who care for children full-time are even more committed to pro bono work, with 67% reporting substantial volunteer activity.