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经典科幻文学:《银河系漫游指南》第4章 Part 5

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Beneath it lay uncovered a huge starship, one hundred and fifty metres long, shaped like a sleek running shoe, perfectly white and mindboggingly beautiful. At the heart of it, unseen, lay a small gold box which carried within it the most brain-wretching device ever conceived, a device which made this starship unique in the history of the galaxy, a device after which the ship had been named — The Heart of Gold.

"Wow", said Zaphod Beeblebrox to the Heart of Gold. There wasn't much else he could say.“哇!”赞福德·毕博布鲁克斯对着黄金之心赞叹道。他确实也找不到别的什么话来表达此刻的感受了。
He said it again because he knew it would annoy the press. "Wow."他又重复了一遍,因为他知道这会使记者们感到很恼火。“哇。”
The crowd turned their faces back towards him expectantly. He winked at Trillian who raised her eyebrows and widened her eyes at him. She knew what he was about to say and thought him a terrible showoff.人们纷纷转过脸来期待地看着赞福德。他则冲崔莉恩眨了一下眼,她正扬起眉毛睁大眼睛望着他。她知道他将要说些什么,她很清楚他是个多么爱炫耀自己的人。
"That is really amazing," he said. "That really is truly amazing. That is so amazingly amazing I think I'd like to steal it."“真是太惊人了,”他说,“绝对震撼!这东西简直让人疯狂,我甚至想把它偷走。”
A marvellous Presidential quote, absolutely true to form. The crowd laughed appreciatively, the newsmen gleefully punched buttons on their Sub-Etha News-Matics and the President grinned.这可是句货真价实的总统语录,绝对值得大大引用一番。人群中爆发出赞赏的掌声,新闻记者们则一个个喜笑颜开地敲打着亚以太新闻机的按键。总统咧开嘴笑了。
As he grinned his heart screamed unbearably and he fingered the small Paralyso-Matic bomb that nestled quietly in his pocket.正笑着,他的心脏却发出了令人难以忍受的尖叫,他赶紧把手伸进衣兜,捏住静静躺在里面的那颗小小的麻痹剂炸弹。
Finally he could bear it no more. He lifted his heads up to the sky, let out a wild whoop in major thirds, threw the bomb to the ground and ran forward through the sea of suddenly frozen smiles.终于,他无法再忍受了,于是仰头向着天,用大三度的高音发出一声野性的叫喊,同时把炸弹扔到地上,然后朝前猛冲,穿过那一片突然凝固的笑脸的海洋。

Beneath it lay uncovered a huge starship, one hundred and fifty metres long, shaped like a sleek running shoe, perfectly white and mindboggingly beautiful. At the heart of it, unseen, lay a small gold box which carried within it the most brain-wretching device ever conceived, a device which made this starship unique in the history of the galaxy, a device after which the ship had been named — The Heart of Gold.
"Wow", said Zaphod Beeblebrox to the Heart of Gold. There wasn't much else he could say.
He said it again because he knew it would annoy the press. "Wow."
The crowd turned their faces back towards him expectantly. He winked at Trillian who raised her eyebrows and widened her eyes at him. She knew what he was about to say and thought him a terrible showoff.
"That is really amazing," he said. "That really is truly amazing. That is so amazingly amazing I think I'd like to steal it."
A marvellous Presidential quote, absolutely true to form. The crowd laughed appreciatively, the newsmen gleefully punched buttons on their Sub-Etha News-Matics and the President grinned.
As he grinned his heart screamed unbearably and he fingered the small Paralyso-Matic bomb that nestled quietly in his pocket.
Finally he could bear it no more. He lifted his heads up to the sky, let out a wild whoop in major thirds, threw the bomb to the ground and ran forward through the sea of suddenly frozen smiles.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
device [di'vais]


n. 装置,设计,策略,设备

annoy [ə'nɔi]


v. 使恼怒,使烦恼,骚扰

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地



v. 构思;设想(conceive的过去式)

unique [ju:'ni:k]


adj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的

quote [kwəut]


n. 引用
v. 引述,举证,报价

uncovered [,ʌn'kʌvəd]


adj. 无覆盖物的;未保险的;无盖的 v. 脱帽致敬;

expectantly [iks'pektəntli]


adv. 期望地,期待地

galaxy ['gæləksi]


n. 银河,一群显赫之人





