3. Caretaking/Housesitting.
Now things start to get interesting. Because the obligation here isn't to share your own digs but to tend to someone else's. If you're up for watering plants, scratching the kitties behind the ears now and then, and generally doing what needs to be done around the house, then you stay for free. Learn more and start your search for a caretaking gig atwww.housecarers.comandwww.caretaker.org.
这个方式找住宿看来是很有意思的 。因为你不用将你的房子交换给谁,而是直接住到别人家里去 。你只需要做一些简单的家务,比如说给花草浇水、照看一下小猫小狗等,你就可以免费入住 。想了解更多信息,请参考这两个网站 。 www.housecarers.com www.caretaker.org.