4. Staying in Convents or Monasteries.
4. 入住修道院
Even though the only thing holy about us is our socks, we love this idea. A book called "Good Night & God Bless," by Australian Trish Clark, explains how to find inexpensive, clean, safe and well-located accommodation in the convents and monasteries of Europe. Learn more atwww.goodnightandgodbless.com.
即使你不是信徒,也可以寻找修道院作为你旅途的落脚点 。澳大利亚作家崔西.克拉克写过一本叫《晚安上帝保佑》的书,里面就专门提到如何在欧洲寻找干净、安全、地理位置极佳的修道院作住宿 。想了解更多信息,请参考网站www.goodnightandgodbless.com.
Convents and monasteries often charge a stipend... and not all of them are low-budget. If, though, you're willing to offer your services and do some work in exchange, the 'powers that be' may be willing to cover your keep. You'll find listing of worldwide monasteries atwww.deoestgloria.com.
通常来讲,修道院会收取一点费用....不是所有的修道院都是提供便宜的住宿 。但是如果你愿意在修道院里做点工作作为你住宿的交换,也许修道院的主人会愿意让你免费享用住宿的 。
If it's a totally free stay you're after, you'll have the best luck at Buddhist monasteries, which traditionally don't charge for accommodation. Many, though, limit first-time visitors to one week and reservations are required. You're also required to participate in community life (no coming and going as you please) so don't think of this as a hotel stay but as a 'working vacation.'
如果幸运,你可以到佛教僧人僧院找到全免费的住宿 。佛教僧院的传统规矩就是不收取住客的费用 。很多僧院可提供长达一周的住宿,但是必须提前预定 。住宿期间住客常常要求参加宗教活动 。(不是想起就去,想走就走的)所以,不要把这里当成宾馆,如果想住这里,就必须用自己的劳动进行交换 。