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经典科幻文学:《银河系漫游指南》第6章 Part 4

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

"Howl howl gargle howl gargle howl howl howl gargle howl gargle howl howl gargle gargle howl gargle gargle gargle howl slurrp uuuurgh should have a good time. Message repeats. This is your captain speaking, so stop whatever you're doing and pay attention. First of all I see from our instruments that we have a couple of hitchhikers aboard. Hello wherever you are. I just want to make it totally clear that you are not at all welcome. I worked hard to get where I am today, and I didn't become captain of a Vogon constructor ship simply so I could turn it into a taxi service for a load of degenerate freeloaders. I have sent out a search party, and as soon that they find you I will put you off the ship. If you're very lucky I might read you some of my poetry first.

"Secondly, we are about to jump into hyperspace for the journey to Barnard's Star. On arrival we will stay in dock for a seventy-two hour refit, and no one's to leave the ship during that time. I repeat, all planet leave is cancelled. I've just had an unhappy love affair, so I don't see why anybody else should have a good time. Message ends."“第二,我们即将进行通往巴纳德星的超空间跃迁。到达以后,我们将在空间码头内进行72小时检修,这期间任何人不得离开飞船。我再重复一遍,任何离开飞船到星球上去的行为都是不允许的。我自己刚刚遇上了一次很不愉快的泡妞经历,所以我不希望你们其他这些人有可能享受一次美妙的艳福。讲话完毕。“
The noise stopped.然后这声音就消失了。
Arthur discovered to his embarrassment that he was lying curled up in a small ball on the floor with his arms wrapped round his head. He smiled weakly.阿瑟这时才尴尬地发现自己已经蜷成一圈躺在地板上了,双臂还抱着脑袋。他只好勉强笑了笑。
"Charming man," he said. "I wish I had a daughter so I could forbid her to marry one ..."“一个很有魅力的人。”他说,“我真希望自己有个女儿,那样的话我就可以不准她嫁给这么一位……”

"Howl howl gargle howl gargle howl howl howl gargle howl gargle howl howl gargle gargle howl gargle gargle gargle howl slurrp uuuurgh should have a good time. Message repeats. This is your captain speaking, so stop whatever you're doing and pay attention. First of all I see from our instruments that we have a couple of hitchhikers aboard. Hello wherever you are. I just want to make it totally clear that you are not at all welcome. I worked hard to get where I am today, and I didn't become captain of a Vogon constructor ship simply so I could turn it into a taxi service for a load of degenerate freeloaders. I have sent out a search party, and as soon that they find you I will put you off the ship. If you're very lucky I might read you some of my poetry first.
"Secondly, we are about to jump into hyperspace for the journey to Barnard's Star. On arrival we will stay in dock for a seventy-two hour refit, and no one's to leave the ship during that time. I repeat, all planet leave is cancelled. I've just had an unhappy love affair, so I don't see why anybody else should have a good time. Message ends."
The noise stopped.
Arthur discovered to his embarrassment that he was lying curled up in a small ball on the floor with his arms wrapped round his head. He smiled weakly.
"Charming man," he said. "I wish I had a daughter so I could forbid her to marry one ..."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

charming ['tʃɑ:miŋ]


adj. 迷人的

degenerate [di'dʒenəreit]


adj. 堕落的
v. 退化,堕落

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

embarrassment [im'bærəsmənt]


n. 困窘,尴尬,困难





