Amazon is working with HTC to develop a range of smartphones as the online retailer steps up efforts to compete with Apple and Google, according to people familiar with the project.
One of the three devices discussed by the two companies is at an advanced stage of development, according to one person, but another warned that the timeline for launch has been changed before and Amazon may yet decide not to release it. Rumours that Amazon would enter the smartphone market have been circulating for up to two years. The device is unlikely to launch this year but may launch in 2014 if Amazon decides to proceed with the project.
Amazon did not respond to a request for comment. In response to a recent report on its mobile ambitions, it said that it had “no plans to offer a phone this year”. HTC declined to comment on Amazon, but Ben Ho, its chief of marketing, said the company is “always exploring new opportunities”.
亚马逊未回应记者的置评请求。该公司在回应最近一则有关其在移动市场雄心的报道时曾表示,“并无今年发布手机的打算”。HTC拒绝对亚马逊置评,不过该公司首席营销官何永生(Benjamin Ho)表示,该公司“对于新的机遇始终不会放过”。
“We have been very focused on building our own brand, but we have also been very open to co-branding and collaborating with carriers and other technology brands,” said Mr Ho.
By using HTC to help design the phones, Amazon is acting much like Google, which has deals with Asus and LG to develop its Nexus line of tablets and phones.