“You build such a strong connection with the country and with the people and your last 10 years of hard work . . . you become really passionate about it,” he says. “You want to see it through, you want to see it work.”
Although Mr Joubert has long since swapped fatigues for a suit and tie, he still draws on his military training for everything from filing to finance.
“I use the military principles even today in a lot of my management systems, processes and policy procedures,” he says of his disciplined approach.
“The military has, over the centuries, developed systems that work for big organisations and they can scale it up or down. The administrative system that applies to a section also applies on a brigade level.”
Mr Joubert had no doubt about the MBA’s potential worth when he signed up to it. He first undertook a management diploma via distance learning in 1996, even as war in Sierra Leone raged around him. Three years later he began a long-distance MBA, via Henley’s South African campus, but abandoned it due to work pressures.
“The fact that I didn’t complete the MBA always bothered me so in 2009 I decided to take a sabbatical.”
His year-long MBA proved the ideal place to develop his dream to expand production at the mine and two nearby sites. His thesis analysed how best to unlock their full economic potential over the next 30 years.
On his return, he put the first part of the plan into action, building a new plant and increasing the workforce from 300 to 1,500. “The economic optimisation road map for Koidu . . . enabled us to raise about $200m [from banks and Tiffany].”
This year, for the first time, the mine should produce more than 500,000 carats, up from the 120,000 carats it produced before Mr Joubert studied for his MBA.
“I think had I not done the MBA or the thesis, we would have been reliant on consultants –- and consultants don’t always give you an objective analysis or solution,” he says. He believes studying for his MBA saved time, money and mistakes and only regrets not doing it sooner.
“I should have done the MBA 10 years earlier when I had a lot less experience and I could learn more from others. But I also think that everybody who wants to move into very senior management positions in the corporate world must do an MBA.”
He’s so sold on its effect he has sent one of his Sierra Leonean staff to the UK for the same programme. “That guy has got a huge future,” says Mr Joubert. “You don’t see the change [immediately]. It’s as projects or as problems arise; how you find solutions.”
While the focus on communal discussion initially rankled, it soon became the most important element of what he eventually found to be “an unbelievably powerful course”.
“What I learnt the most . . . is the power of different views and opinions from different people, each one coming with his own perspective . . . that is, I think, the biggest power of doing an MBA.”
One different perspective came from a 50-year-old graphic designer on the course, whose approach was initially anathema to Mr Joubert.
“His thought process [was] just completely all over the place; where I would like to see structure . . . he would just start vomiting ideas. I just couldn’t cope with that.”
It was only after the fifth week he began to realise alternative views turned up “extremely valuable and powerful” ideas. They are still “very close friends” today.
“He writes emails that are very soppy and emotional and I will send him a one-liner or two words back . . . He tells all his friends about this blunt, rude South African who helped him through his MBA and I tell everybody about my dreamer friend that did the MBA with me.
“He’s a bit more structured now because of the MBA and I’m a little bit more open to creative thinking.”
Mr Joubert, who plans to stay in mining, says the MBA has changed the way he communicates and views others’ opinions for good.
“Previously, if I felt confident that I’ve thought about something enough, and I’ve given an instruction, then I would expect people to follow that instruction. Now, I realise that you can never know everything.”