Our foundation began working in India a decade ago, at a time when many feared that the country would become a flashpoint for HIV/AIDS. Since then, we have expanded into other areas, including vaccines, family planning and agricultural development. In all of this work, Melinda and I have seen many examples of India's poor making dramatic contributions. But nowhere has this power been demonstrated more clearly than in the fight to end polio. Indeed, India's accomplishment in eradicating polio is the most impressive global health success I've ever seen.
I first began traveling to India in the 1980s, drawn by a fascination with this ancient country that cherishes its history and harbors great ambitions for the future. My interest was professional as well as personal. Microsoft was expanding, our need for talent was growing, and I was attracted to the vitality and ingenuity of the Indian people.
A few years later, several colleagues and I were flying into Bangalore. As we made our final approach, I looked out the window and saw an area of densely packed, tiny, dilapidated homes stretching out for miles. At that moment, one of my Indian companions declared proudly, 'We have no slums in Bangalore.' Whether out of denial or innocence, my colleague didn't see the 'other' India. I don't mean to single him out. It can be easy to turn our eyes away from the poor. But if we do, we miss seeing a society's full potential.
When Melinda and I started our foundation's work in India, we began to meet people from the areas we'd been flying over. They had little education and poor health, and lived in slums or poor rural areas -- the kind of people many experts had told us were holding India back. But our experience suggests the opposite: What some call a weakness can be a source of great strength.
In 1988, when there were approximately 350,000 new polio cases a year and the disease was crippling children in 125 countries, the World Health Assembly set the goal of eliminating polio world-wide. Progress came quickly. By 1994, the Americas were polio-free. Soon we saw the last case in China, the last case in the Pacific, the last case in Europe. By the year 2000, the number of polio cases had dropped by 99%. But the task of ending polio was not 99% done.
The remaining cases were concentrated in fewer countries, and India was one of the last nations left. This was no surprise. India's urban centers are among the world's most densely populated. Its rural communities are dispersed across a vast and often inaccessible terrain. The country suffers from poor sanitation. Its 1.2 billion citizens are highly mobile and give birth to 27 million new Indians every year. Experts predicted that polio would be eliminated in every other country before it was eliminated in India.
But India surprised them all: The country has now been polio-free for more than two years. India's success offers a script for winning some of the world's most difficult battles in every area of human welfare. The key has been the participation of the humblest, most vulnerable members of the Indian population.
To be successful, any campaign this big has to include a clear goal, a comprehensive plan and precise measurements of progress. But the antipolio campaign in India took a crucial extra step: It enlisted the support of the full sweep of Indian society, including health workers, ordinary citizens and some of the poorest people in the most impoverished regions of the country.
The heart of the plan was a simple and inspiring mission: to find the children. To defeat polio, it is essential to achieve up to 95% vaccination coverage in afflicted areas. There is no way to measure whether you're meeting that mark unless you know how many children there are, where they are and whether they've been vaccinated.
India responded to this challenge with an army of more than 2 million vaccinators, who canvassed every village, hamlet and slum. Vaccinators took the best maps they had and made them better. They walked miles every day and worked late into the night. They found children in the poorest areas of Uttar Pradesh and in the remote Kosi River area of Bihar -- an area with no electricity that is often flooded and unreachable by roads. They found the sons and daughters of migrant workers in bus stations and train stations, accompanying their families on their way to find work.
印度配备了200多万人的接种员队伍以应对这一挑战,他们走遍了每个村庄、聚落和贫民窟。疫苗接种员带上了他们最好的地图并让它更加完善。他们每天步行很远,工作直到深夜。他们找到了最贫困的北方邦(Uttar Pradesh)地区和比哈尔邦(Bihar)偏远的戈西河地区(Kosi River) ──一个经常遭受洪水,没有路可走也不通电的地区──的孩子们。他们在汽车站和火车站找到被出来打工的家人带在身边的民工子女。
When Melinda and I visited India in March 2011, two months after the last case of polio was identified, we traveled to a brick kiln whose workers labored long hours at low wages and lived in mud huts. We met a young mother and asked if her children had been vaccinated. She ducked into her hut, retrieved a bag that held all her possessions, and rummaged around the bottom of it until she proudly produced an immunization card listing the names of all her children and showing that each had received the polio vaccine -- not just once, but several times. We were amazed.
梅琳达和我2011年3月访问印度时,已是最后一例小儿麻痹症被发现的两个月后。我们前往一个砖窑,那里的工人工作时间长,薪水微薄,住在泥棚里。我们见到了一位年轻母亲,并问她的孩子是否接种了疫苗。她 进她的棚屋里,拿出一个装着她全部财产的袋子,翻了个底朝天,直到骄傲地拿出一张写着她所有孩子名字的免疫卡,证明每个孩子都接种了小儿麻痹症疫苗接种──不是只有一次,而是好几次。我们惊呆了。
Wherever India's vaccinators have gone, they've had help from local residents. In one Kolkata slum, a group of schoolchildren who call themselves the Daredevils have been relentless in this effort. Their community had never had house numbers, so the children assigned numbers. Using donated cellphones connected to global positioning satellites, they created a digital map, marking each house where children hadn't been vaccinated.
The fight to end polio is not over, not even in India, and new polio cases in the Horn of Africa and Syria underscore the importance of eradicating polio everywhere. Still, if the world maintains its funding and commitment, we can eradicate the disease globally within six years.
消灭小儿麻痹症的斗争尚未结束,甚至在印度也如此,非洲之角(Horn of Africa)和叙利亚的小儿麻痹症新发病例凸显了在世界各地根除小儿麻痹症的重要性。不过,如果全球各国坚持提供资金并坚守承诺,我们就能在六年内在全球范围内消灭这种疾病。
The accomplishments of India's vaccinators and children and politicians will not end when polio ends in their country. Now that they have found India's children, they can bring them and their families other vaccines, clean water, education, advice on maternal and child health, and support for agriculture -- all the things that people need to live healthy and productive lives.
Years ago, on that day we were landing in Bangalore, I didn't know nearly as much about India as I do now. I saw India's obvious talent and energy, but, like my colleague, I missed its hidden strength -- the rich, the powerful and the poor working together toward a common goal.