Just how big are the nation’s biggest banks? Well, the top four alone manage roughly $8 trillion in assets.
Bank of America with $2.12 trillion. The two banks are the only ones with assets exceeding $2 trillion.
摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)位居榜首,资产达到惊人的2.46万亿美元。紧随其后的是资产为2.12万亿美元的美国银行(Bank of America)。只有这两家银行的资产超过了2万亿美元。
Citigroup, the third largest bank by assets, isn’t too far behind with $1.89 trillion and San Francisco-based Wells Fargo
按资产规模排序,花旗集团(Citigroup)排名第三,资产为1.89万亿美元,落后第二名不多。总部位于旧金山的富国银行(Wells Fargo)位居第四,资产为1.48万亿美元。
From there the 5th largest bank’s assets, Bank of New York Mellon
到了排名第五的纽约梅隆银行(Bank of New York Mellon),差距一下子拉开,其资产仅为3,710亿美元。
The ranking comes from SNL Financial which compiles the data each quarter.
排名来自市场研究公司SNL Financial,每季度编制一次。
There’s hasn’t been much change at the top of the ranking since 2011 when JPM claimed the #1 spot from BofA.
Ever since, JPM has held a steady lead over the rest of the nation’s banks–a lead that keeps getting bigger. Just a year ago in the third quarter 2012, JPM’s assets stood at $2.32 trillion; they’ve since increased 6%.
It will be interesting to see how JPM’s assets evolve over the next 12 months. 2013 wasn’t JPM’s best. CEO Jamie Dimon reported the bank’s first quarterly loss under his watch, it paid $13 billion to settle a big case with the Department of Justice and paid out billions in other suits as well. It was also the first time the bank made a big announcement recently about shutting down a line of business; in September JPM announced it would no longer accept applications for student loans.
摩根大通的资产在过去12个月里是如何变化的?这个问题很有趣。对摩根大通而言,2013年不算太理想。CEO杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)公布了该银行在他领导下的首次出现季度亏损,该银行还向司法部支付了130亿美元,以了结一宗重大官司,并在其他诉讼案中付出了数十亿美元的代价。摩根大通最近还首次宣布关闭一项业务。今年9月,银行宣布不再接受学生贷款申请。
Wells Fargo, though #4, has also been steadily growing its asset base at a rate even higher than JPM. Over the last 12 months, Wells, lead by CEO John Stumpf, has seen its total assets jump 8% from $1.37 trillion in the third quarter of 2012. That’s the biggest increase among the big four banks.
富国银行虽然排名第四,但资产稳步增长,其速度甚至超过了摩根大通。过去12个月里,由CEO约翰·斯坦普夫(John Stumpf)领导的富国银行总资产在2012年第三季度的1.37万亿美元基础上增长了8%。增速堪为四大银行之首。
Much of Wells’ growth is due to some key loan purchases the bank has been making overseas. The bank has picked up several loan portfolios on the cheap from banks in Europe as the market there has been struggling and institutions there look to off-load assets.
Wells CFO Tim Sloan spoke about the bank’s overall loan growth at a conference last week and noted the foreign loans. “Foreign loans grew $6.9 billion or 17%, which included $4 billion from the UK CRE acquisition we completed in the third quarter, as well as growth in our trade finance business, ” he said.
富国银行首席财务官蒂姆·斯隆(Tim Sloan)在上周某次会议上谈到了该银行的整体贷款增长,并特别提及了外国贷款。“外国贷款增加69亿美元,增幅为17%,其中包括我们在第三季度完成英国CRE并购交易所获得的40亿美元,以及我们贸易融资业务的增长。”他说。
Meanwhile both Citi and Bank of America have seen their assets drop over the last few years. Just over the last 12 months both banks shed assets by about 2%.
Both bank have been actively selling non-core assets since the peak of the crisis in order to meet both regulator and shareholder demands.
Back in early 2009, BofA’s assets were $2.32 trillion, or 8.4% more than where they stand today.
SNL notes that Citi’s assets will decline even further by approximately $3.91 billion from the planned sale of its Brazilian credit card and consumer finance business.
SNL Financial指出,花旗集团的资产将进一步减少大约39.1亿美元,因为该银行计划出售其在巴西的信用卡和消费信贷业务。
There was only one new bank on the most recent list from SNL. Santa Clara, Calif.-based SVB Financial Group was the lone new entry coming in at #50 with $23.7 billion in assets.
在SNL Financial的最新榜单上只有一个新面孔。总部位于加州圣塔克拉拉的SVB 金融集团(SVB Financial Group)是唯一的新晋成员,排在第50位,资产为237亿美元。
SNL’s rankings include banks and thrifts operating in the U.S. with a deposits-to-assets ratio of at least 25%. That means big firms like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley don’t make the cut since they don’t hold significant deposits.
SNL Financial的排名囊括了在美国经营的、存款与资产比率至少为25%的银行和储蓄机构。这意味着像高盛(Goldman Sachs)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)这样的大公司无法上榜,因为它们不具备可观的存款。