One of the great things with volunteering, is that you meet a very wide variety of people. Instead of looking at it in a negative light of meeting people you don’t have a lot in common with, think of it as expanding your network. You’re getting to know people involved in many different walks in life that you wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. I’m not the kind of guy that makes friends purely for connections, but sometimes it’s very convenient to have a broad network. 志愿服务的一大好处是,你会接触到很多人。从负面的角度看,你遇到了很多没多少共同之处的人,但不如换个角度来看,把它看成是在扩展你的人脉。你会认识各行各业的人,要是不参加志愿服务你根本就没有机遇和这些人相逢。我不是那种为了联系而去交朋友的人, 但有时有广泛的人脉网络是非常方便的。 来源:可可英语 //