Cyber attacks rose 14 per cent last year, as online criminals targeted intellectual property-rich industries such as pharmaceuticals, mining and electronics, according to a report by Cisco.
Vulnerabilities in computer systems and the threat from hackers reached the highest level since 2000, when the technology company launched its annual security report.
Cisco said there had been “unprecedented growth” in advanced attacks, with every large company it monitored becoming a target for malicious traffic.
John Stewart, senior vice-president and chief security officer, said the report painted a grim picture of the state of cyber security.
思科副总裁兼首席安全官约翰•斯图尔特(John Stewart)说,这份报告描绘了网络安全现状的一幅悲观图景。
But, he added, there was hope to restore trust by trying to understand hackers. “To truly protect against all of these possible attacks, defenders must understand the attackers, their motivations and their methods – before, during and after an attack.”
Pharmaceuticals, chemicals, agriculture, mining and electronics all saw increases in the malware targeted at them of more than 600 per cent, while attempts to breach security in the energy, oil and gas industries rose more than 400 per cent.
Attempts to hack retailers and wholesalers – in the public eye after Target lost data from more than 70m customers in an attack – rose more than 100 per cent. The attempts may not have led to breaches, depending on the protections in place.
Cyber criminals are increasingly looking for intellectual property they can either sell on the black market or use to inform decisions about competing products or plans.
Levi Gundert, a threat researcher who worked on the Cisco report, said the attacks could be “criminals” or “nation states”.
参与撰写报告的威胁研究员莱维•贡德特(Levi Gundert)说,实施攻击的可能是“罪犯”,也可能是“国家”。
“You almost need to have the Economist or the FT in hand while looking at some of these numbers – they vertically correspond to geopolitical events,” he said.