Alibaba, the Chinese ecommerce company that has long connected US brands to Chinese suppliers, now wants to help sell goods to American consumers.
The company, which is poised for an initial public offering that analysts say could value it at more than $100bn, announced yesterday that it would launch its first majority-owned ecommerce venture in the US.
Two of Alibaba’s US subsidiaries, Vendio and Auctiva, will soon launch a business-to-consumer site, called 11 Main. Alibaba did not give further details about 11 Main beyond describing it as a boutique ecommerce platform selling “interesting quality products” from “handpicked shop owners”.
阿里巴巴在美国的两家子公司Vendio和Auctiva将很快推出一个企业对消费者网站“11 Main”。阿里巴巴表示,新网站将是一个精品电子商务平台,销售来自“精选店主”的“富有趣味的高质量产品”。除此之外,阿里巴巴没有透露更多有关“11 Main”的细节。
The move is the latest by Alibaba to seek additional sources of growth. Alibaba’s sites control 80 per cent of China’s ecommerce, and revenues from those sites last quarter grew by more than half to $1.78bn, but the rate of growth has slowed since last year.
Earlier this week, it made an unsolicited bid to take private AutoNavi, in an all-cash deal that values the mapping company at $1.6bn.
The deal would allow Alibaba to improve its mobile commerce capabilities. Alibaba is also expanding into wealth management services and taxi hailing apps in China.
Alibaba now markets in the US mainly using Aliexpress, an English language website intended to connect US businesses with wholesalers in China. It operates mostly in emerging markets such as Russia, India, Chile and Brazil, but also in the US.
A person with knowledge of the 11 Main launch cautioned against portraying it as a foray by Alibaba into the US, saying that despite having full ownership the venture wouild be run independently by its two subsidiaries.
了解“11 Main”成立过程的一位人士警告说,不宜将其描述为阿里巴巴进军美国的行动,他表示,尽管新网站由阿里巴巴全资所有,但将由其两家子公司独立运营。