You're young, you're a world-class physical specimen, you're living in a fenced-in village full of similar people from all over the world who are dying to meet you, and it's Valentine's Day.
Clearly, you need a matchmaking app.
Since the beginning of the Games in Sochi, the founder of one such app says his company's internal statistics suggest that athletes, or some combination of athletes, fans and volunteers, are using his product to make lots of new friends.
Tinder has seen a 400% day-over-day increase of new users in Sochi since the Olympics opened Friday, Sean Rad says, with numbers now in the thousands. 'We didn't have a lot of activity in Sochi before the Olympics,' he said. In the last week, though, the host city became 'one of those areas for us that have great penetration and usage.'
交友应用Tinder的西恩•拉德(Sean Rad)表示,自上周五冬奥会开幕以来,Tinder在索契的新用户数量每日增加400%,现在已达数千人。他说,冬奥会之前,我们的应用在索契并不活跃,然而上周期间,索契成为我们的应用渗透率极高、使用量很大的地区之一。
Released in 2012, after the London Games, Tinder connects people to others in their geographical vicinity. A user's first name, photos, age and interests pop up on another user's phone screen, and Tinder plays Cupid if both users like what they see enough to swipe to the right on their phones, allowing them to talk with each other in a chat window. From there: Who knows?
Tinder's presence in Sochi, particularly among athletes, was revealed in part by Jamie Anderson, the 23-year-old American snowboarder who won a slopestyle gold medal Sunday. She told Us Weekly afterward that Tinder was such a distraction that she had to delete it from her phone. The average user spends 77 minutes a day with Tinder, said Rad.
Tinder在索契、尤其是在运动员之间的风行一定程度上可以在23岁的美国单板滑雪选手杰米•安德森(Jamie Anderson)身上得到体现。安德森周日赢得了障碍技巧项目金牌。她在夺金后对《美国周刊》(Us Weekly)表示,Tinder太让人分心,她不得不从手机上删除了这个应用。拉德说,用户平均每天在Tinder上花费的时间为77分钟。
'Tinder in the Olympic Village is next level,' Anderson said, according to the magazine.
Grindr, a similar app for men that reports 55,000 monthly active users in Russia, says it has seen a climb to 541 active users in Sochi from 185 since the opening ceremony. 'In countries where an openly gay culture is lacking or forbidden, Grindr is often the only way for gays to be able to communicate with each other,' Grindr founder Joel Simkhai said in a statement. (Russia recently passed a law prohibiting 'gay propaganda.' President Vladimir Putin said before the Games that gays would be welcome in Sochi.)
针对男性的类似应用Grindr宣称其在俄罗斯有5.5万名月度活跃用户。该应用说,其在索契的活跃用户数量自开幕式以来从185名增加到541名。Grindr创始人乔尔•西姆凯(Joel Simkhai)在一份声明中表示,在缺乏或禁止公开同性恋文化的国家,Grindr常常是同性恋者能够彼此交流的唯一途径。(俄罗斯不久前通过法律禁止宣传同性恋。不过,俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)在冬奥会前称,索契欢迎同性恋者。)
The companies have no way of parsing what percentage of their users are Olympians. Tinder usage has a history of picking up in other temporarily high-density areas, such as music festivals. The company is expecting a similar bump when Brazil hosts the World Cup this summer.