It might seem too good to be true, but some research suggests that there are measurable health benefits from simply listening to music. Listening to music can also release dopamine, often dubbed “the pleasure chemical”. You could perhaps substitute the pleasure achieved through eating your comfort foods by indulging in your favorite music, with none of the negative health repercussions. 听起来似乎好得令人难以置信,但据一些研究表明,只听音乐就对健康有很大的益处。听音乐也会释放“快乐化学剂”多巴胺,沉浸在自己喜欢的音乐中的你获得的乐趣,可以替代你吃慰藉食物时的快乐感觉,而且音乐对健康没有任何负面影响作用。 来源:可可英语 //