5. Learning To Play An Instrument As A Kid Makes You More Successful Later 从小学乐器会让你日后生活更成功
Research shows a noticeable correlation between learning to play an instrument as a child, and becoming successful later in life. So if you were always upset with your parents for forcing you to play the violin—or like me, the piano—take a minute to be grateful. I just thanked my father. One of my biggest regrets these days is that I never actually tried to learn to play the piano properly. 研究表明,从小学乐器与以后成功的生活之间有着明显的相关性。所以,如果你总反感你的父母强迫你拉小提琴,或像我一样厌烦弹钢琴,感恩一下父母的激励督促吧。我真的很感谢我的父亲。现在我的一个最大遗憾就是我从来没有真正地尝试着去认真地学弹钢琴。 来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/read/201402/275967.shtml