"French men have always been slow to give up power," said Jean-Francois Copé, parliamentary leader of President Nicolas Sarkozy's center-right party, who is defending a bill to oblige companies to fill 40 percent of boardroom seats with women. Women were allowed to vote for the first time only in 1945. Since a 1998 law obliged political parties to have an equal number of men and women candidates on their party lists, parties have tended to pay fines rather than comply. 法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐领导的中右翼政党(人民运动联盟)的议长让-弗朗索瓦•科普说:“法国男性的权力意识较强。”目前该党正推动一项议案,要求公司中的女董事比例不得低于40%。法国女性于1945年获得选举权。1998年,法国通过了一项要求政治团体中男女成员人数相同的法案,但各政党则宁愿交罚款,也不愿服从。 来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/read/201403/278226.shtml