Having children is relatively easy in France, one reason Paris seems to teem with stylish career women with several offspring. At 31, Fleur Cohen has four children and works full-time as a doctor. As she drops her youngest at nursery in stilettos heels and a pencil skirt you would never guess that she gave birth only three months ago. 在法国要孩子相对比较容易,所以在巴黎随处可见外表入时、却已是几个孩子母亲的职场女性。31岁的弗勒•科恩已是四个孩子的母亲,她现在是一名全职医生。当你看见她脚踩高跟鞋、穿着A字裙把孩子送到托儿所去时,你一定想不到她三个月前刚刚生了孩子。 来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/read/201403/278226.shtml