If you think golf balls don't strike twice, you'd be wrong... as a Tiger Woods fan found out in rather painful fashion yesterday.The German tourist was enjoying the final round of the World Golf Championships in Doral, Florida, when the golfing legend's opening tee shot landed squarely on his head, spurting blood over his white polo shirt.
An apologetic Woods came over to the man, who had travelled thousands of mile to see his hero play, and autographed a glove hoping it would seal the end of his bad luck.'And I get this souvenir,' he said, almost smiling as he held up the ball.
'Sorry about that,' woods replied before handing him the signed glove.But minutes later the exact same thing happened again, forcing Woods to hand over a second signed glove with an accompanying apology.
The next question, then, wasn't could he catch eventual winner Patrick Reed, but did he have enough golf gloves in his bag?He ended the day with a six-over par 78, beating only two of the field's 68 players.