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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'My Heart's Delight!' said the trembling Captain. 'For the sake of Wal'r drownded in the briny deep, turn to, and histe up something or another, if able!'

Finding her insensible to this impressive adjuration also, Captain Cuttle snatched from his breakfast-table a basin of cold water, and sprinkled some upon her face. Yielding to the urgency of the case, the Captain then, using his immense hand with extraordinary gentleness, relieved her of her bonnet, moistened her lips and forehead, put back her hair, covered her feet with his own coat which he pulled off for the purpose, patted her hand - so small in his, that he was struck with wonder when he touched it - and seeing that her eyelids quivered, and that her lips began to move, continued these restorative applications with a better heart.卡特尔船长看到她对这打动人心的恳求也毫无感觉,就从吃早餐的桌子上取来一盆冷水,洒了一些在她脸上。由于情况紧急,船长用他的大手非常轻柔地摘下她的帽子,蘸湿她的嘴唇和前额,把她的头发撩回去,还特地脱下他自己的外套,盖在她的脚上,并轻轻地拍着她的手--她的手在他的手中显得那么小,他接触到它的时候,感到万分惊讶--;当他看到她的眼皮在颤动,她的嘴唇开始翕动的时候,他怀着轻松一些的心情,继续进行这些抢救措施。
'Cheerily,' said the Captain. 'Cheerily! Stand by, my pretty one, stand by! There! You're better now. Steady's the word, and steady it is. Keep her so! Drink a little drop o' this here,' said the Captain. 'There you are! What cheer now, my pretty, what cheer now?'“高高兴兴地,”船长说道,”高高兴兴地!做好准备,我的宝贝,做好准备!就这样!您现在好一些了。沉着气!别着急!就这么办!现在喝几滴吧,”船长说道,”您看,我说对了吧!现在怎么样,我的宝贝,现在怎么样?”
At this stage of her recovery, Captain Cuttle, with an imperfect association of a Watch with a Physician's treatment of a patient, took his own down from the mantel-shelf, and holding it out on his hook, and taking Florence's hand in his, looked steadily from one to the other, as expecting the dial to do something.在她开始慢慢恢复过来的时候,卡特尔船长把表跟医生诊察病人的方法模糊地联系起来了;他从壁炉架上取下表,挂在他的钩子上,然后把弗洛伦斯的手放在他的手里,不断地一会儿看看手,一会儿看看表,好像指望从表的针盘上看到什么似的。
'What cheer, my pretty?' said the Captain. 'What cheer now? You've done her some good, my lad, I believe,' said the Captain, under his breath, and throwing an approving glance upon his watch. 'Put you back half-an-hour every morning, and about another quarter towards the arternoon, and you're a watch as can be ekalled by few and excelled by none. What cheer, my lady lass!'“现在怎么样,我的宝贝?”船长说道,”现在怎么样?我觉得,你已给她帮了一些忙,我的孩子,”船长低声说道,一边向表赞许地看了一眼。”每天早上把你拨回半小时,每天傍晚把你拨回大约一刻钟,这样就只有少数几只表能跟你不分高低,能超过你的就绝对没有了。现在怎么样,我的小姑娘夫人?”
'Captain Cuttle! Is it you?' exclaimed Florence, raising herself a little.“卡特尔船长,是您吗?”弗洛伦斯稍稍欠起身来,喊道。
'Yes, yes, my lady lass,' said the Captain, hastily deciding in his own mind upon the superior elegance of that form of address, as the most courtly he could think of.“是的,是的,我的小姑娘夫人,”船长在心中急忙决定采用这个最优美的称呼方式,这是他所能想出来的最尊敬的称呼方式。
'Is Walter's Uncle here?' asked Florence.“沃尔特舅舅在这里吗?”弗洛伦斯问道。
'Here, pretty?' returned the Captain. 'He ain't been here this many a long day. He ain't been heerd on, since he sheered off arter poor Wal'r. But,' said the Captain, as a quotation, 'Though lost to sight, to memory dear, and England, Home, and Beauty!'“在这里吗,宝贝?”船长回答道,”他已好久不在这里了。自从他出去寻找可怜的沃尔特以后,就没有听到他的消息了。不过,”船长采用了一段引语,说道,”虽然已看不到他了,但却仍亲切地怀念着他;英国,故乡与美丽万岁!”
'Do you live here?' asked Florence.“您住在这里吗?”弗洛伦斯问道。
'Yes, my lady lass,' returned the Captain.“是的,我的小姑娘夫人,”船长回答道。
'Oh, Captain Cuttle!' cried Florence, putting her hands together, and speaking wildly. 'Save me! keep me here! Let no one know where I am! I'll tell you what has happened by-and-by, when I can. I have no one in the world to go to. Do not send me away!'“啊,卡特尔船长,”弗洛伦斯喊道,一边把两只手合在一起,疯狂似地说着。”救救我吧!把我留在这里吧!别让任何人知道我在哪里!不久等我恢复精力以后,我会把发生的事情告诉您的。在这世界上,我已没有可以投靠的人了。别把我打发走吧!”
'Send you away, my lady lass!' exclaimed the Captain. 'You, my Heart's Delight! Stay a bit! We'll put up this here deadlight, and take a double turn on the key!'“把您打发走,我的小姑娘夫人!”船长高声喊道。”您,我的心的喜悦,等一会儿,我们把舷窗盖关紧,把钥匙在锁眼里转动两次!”
With these words, the Captain, using his one hand and his hook with the greatest dexterity, got out the shutter of the door, put it up, made it all fast, and locked the door itself.船长说完之后,就极其熟练地用一只手和他的钩子从门上取下护窗板,把它关上,并把门锁紧。
When he came back to the side of Florence, she took his hand, and kissed it. The helplessness of the action, the appeal it made to him, the confidence it expressed, the unspeakable sorrow in her face, the pain of mind she had too plainly suffered, and was suffering then, his knowledge of her past history, her present lonely, worn, and unprotected appearance, all so rushed upon the good Captain together, that he fairly overflowed with compassion and gentleness.当他回到弗洛伦斯身边的时候,她拉过他的手,吻了吻它。她在这个动作中表达出她无依无靠的处境,也表达了她对他的恳求和她对他的信任;在她脸上流露出难以形容的悲伤。她在精神上无疑曾经受到而且还继续受着痛苦;他知道她过去的历史,又看到她现在孤苦伶仃、精疲力竭、毫无保护的状态,--所有这一切全都涌集到善良的船长的心头,使他充满了怜悯与温厚的感情。
'My lady lass,' said the Captain, polishing the bridge of his nose with his arm until it shone like burnished copper, 'don't you say a word to Ed'ard Cuttle, until such times as you finds yourself a riding smooth and easy; which won't be to-day, nor yet to-morrow. And as to giving of you up, or reporting where you are, yes verily, and by God's help, so I won't, Church catechism, make a note on!'“我的小姑娘夫人,”船长说道,一边用袖子擦着鼻梁,把它擦得像磨亮的铜一样,闪闪发亮,”在你觉得能风平浪静、从容自在地航行之前,请一个字也别跟爱德华?卡特尔说。不在今天,也不在明天。至于说把您抛弃,或者去报告您在哪里,那么说实话,依靠上帝帮助,我是不会干这种事情的。请去翻一下《教义问答》,在找到这句话的地方,请做个记号!”
This the Captain said, reference and all, in one breath, and with much solemnity; taking off his hat at 'yes verily,' and putting it on again, when he had quite concluded.这些话连同《教义问答》的引语,船长是一口气说出来的,说时一本正经,在说到”说实话”的时候,他摘下了帽子,在所有的话都说完之后又把它戴上。
Florence could do but one thing more to thank him, and to show him how she trusted in him; and she did it' Clinging to this rough creature as the last asylum of her bleeding heart, she laid her head upon his honest shoulder, and clasped him round his neck, and would have kneeled down to bless him, but that he divined her purpose, and held her up like a true man.弗洛伦斯唯一能做的事就是感谢他,并向他表示她信任他,她这样做了。她抱住这个性格粗犷的人,把他作为她悲痛的心的最后一个庇护所;她把头靠在他的诚实的肩膀上,搂着他的脖子,本来还想跪下去感谢他,可是他猜到了她的意图,就像一个真正的男子汉一样制止了她。
'Steady!' said the Captain. 'Steady! You're too weak to stand, you see, my pretty, and must lie down here again. There, there!' To see the Captain lift her on the sofa, and cover her with his coat, would have been worth a hundred state sights. 'And now,' said the Captain, 'you must take some breakfast, lady lass, and the dog shall have some too. And arter that you shall go aloft to old Sol Gills's room, and fall asleep there, like a angel.'“镇静!”船长说道。”镇静!您知道,我的宝贝,您太虚弱了,不好站着,必须再躺到这里来。好了,好了!”看看船长怎样把她托起来,放到沙发上,并把他的外套覆盖着她,即使把成百个壮丽的景色丢开不看,那也是值得的,”现在,”船长说道,”您必须吃点早饭,小姑娘夫人,这条狗也要吃点。然后您上楼到老所尔?吉尔斯的房间去,像天使一样睡一觉。”

'My Heart's Delight!' said the trembling Captain. 'For the sake of Wal'r drownded in the briny deep, turn to, and histe up something or another, if able!'
Finding her insensible to this impressive adjuration also, Captain Cuttle snatched from his breakfast-table a basin of cold water, and sprinkled some upon her face. Yielding to the urgency of the case, the Captain then, using his immense hand with extraordinary gentleness, relieved her of her bonnet, moistened her lips and forehead, put back her hair, covered her feet with his own coat which he pulled off for the purpose, patted her hand - so small in his, that he was struck with wonder when he touched it - and seeing that her eyelids quivered, and that her lips began to move, continued these restorative applications with a better heart.
'Cheerily,' said the Captain. 'Cheerily! Stand by, my pretty one, stand by! There! You're better now. Steady's the word, and steady it is. Keep her so! Drink a little drop o' this here,' said the Captain. 'There you are! What cheer now, my pretty, what cheer now?'
At this stage of her recovery, Captain Cuttle, with an imperfect association of a Watch with a Physician's treatment of a patient, took his own down from the mantel-shelf, and holding it out on his hook, and taking Florence's hand in his, looked steadily from one to the other, as expecting the dial to do something.
'What cheer, my pretty?' said the Captain. 'What cheer now? You've done her some good, my lad, I believe,' said the Captain, under his breath, and throwing an approving glance upon his watch. 'Put you back half-an-hour every morning, and about another quarter towards the arternoon, and you're a watch as can be ekalled by few and excelled by none. What cheer, my lady lass!'
'Captain Cuttle! Is it you?' exclaimed Florence, raising herself a little.
'Yes, yes, my lady lass,' said the Captain, hastily deciding in his own mind upon the superior elegance of that form of address, as the most courtly he could think of.
'Is Walter's Uncle here?' asked Florence.
'Here, pretty?' returned the Captain. 'He ain't been here this many a long day. He ain't been heerd on, since he sheered off arter poor Wal'r. But,' said the Captain, as a quotation, 'Though lost to sight, to memory dear, and England, Home, and Beauty!'
'Do you live here?' asked Florence.
'Yes, my lady lass,' returned the Captain.
'Oh, Captain Cuttle!' cried Florence, putting her hands together, and speaking wildly. 'Save me! keep me here! Let no one know where I am! I'll tell you what has happened by-and-by, when I can. I have no one in the world to go to. Do not send me away!'
'Send you away, my lady lass!' exclaimed the Captain. 'You, my Heart's Delight! Stay a bit! We'll put up this here deadlight, and take a double turn on the key!'
With these words, the Captain, using his one hand and his hook with the greatest dexterity, got out the shutter of the door, put it up, made it all fast, and locked the door itself.
When he came back to the side of Florence, she took his hand, and kissed it. The helplessness of the action, the appeal it made to him, the confidence it expressed, the unspeakable sorrow in her face, the pain of mind she had too plainly suffered, and was suffering then, his knowledge of her past history, her present lonely, worn, and unprotected appearance, all so rushed upon the good Captain together, that he fairly overflowed with compassion and gentleness.
'My lady lass,' said the Captain, polishing the bridge of his nose with his arm until it shone like burnished copper, 'don't you say a word to Ed'ard Cuttle, until such times as you finds yourself a riding smooth and easy; which won't be to-day, nor yet to-morrow. And as to giving of you up, or reporting where you are, yes verily, and by God's help, so I won't, Church catechism, make a note on!'
This the Captain said, reference and all, in one breath, and with much solemnity; taking off his hat at 'yes verily,' and putting it on again, when he had quite concluded.
Florence could do but one thing more to thank him, and to show him how she trusted in him; and she did it' Clinging to this rough creature as the last asylum of her bleeding heart, she laid her head upon his honest shoulder, and clasped him round his neck, and would have kneeled down to bless him, but that he divined her purpose, and held her up like a true man.
'Steady!' said the Captain. 'Steady! You're too weak to stand, you see, my pretty, and must lie down here again. There, there!' To see the Captain lift her on the sofa, and cover her with his coat, would have been worth a hundred state sights. 'And now,' said the Captain, 'you must take some breakfast, lady lass, and the dog shall have some too. And arter that you shall go aloft to old Sol Gills's room, and fall asleep there, like a angel.'

重点单词   查看全部解释    


n. 温顺;亲切;高贵;彬彬有礼

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

delight [di'lait]


n. 高兴,快乐
v. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜

insensible [in'sensəbl]


adj. 无知觉的;昏迷的;麻木不仁的

glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

hastily ['heistili]


adv. 匆忙地,急速地

yielding ['ji:ldiŋ]


adj. 屈从的,柔顺的,生产的

superior [su:'piəriə]


n. 上级,高手,上标
adj. 上层的,上好

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

impressive [im'presiv]


adj. 给人深刻印象的





