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As McMurdo had said, the house in which he lived was a lonely one and very well suited for such a crime as they had planned. It was on the extreme fringe of the town and stood well back from the road. In any other case the conspirators would have simply called out their man, as they had many a time before, and emptied their pistols into his body; but in this instance it was very necessary to find out how much he knew, how he knew it, and what had been passed on to his employers.正如麦克默多所说的那样,他所寄寓的住所孤寂无邻,正适于他们进行策划的那种犯罪活动。寓所位于镇子的最边缘,又远离大路。若是作品它案子,那些凶手只要照老办法把要杀的人叫出来,把子弹都射到他身上就行了。可是这次,他们却要弄清这人知道多少秘密,怎么知道的,给他的雇主送过多少情报。
It was possible that they were already too late and that the work had been done. If that was indeed so, they could at least have their revenge upon the man who had done it. But they were hopeful that nothing of great importance had yet come to the detective's knowledge, as otherwise, they argued, he would not have troubled to write down and forward such trivial information as McMurdo claimed to have given him. However, all this they would learn from his own lips. Once in their power, they would find a way to make him speak. It was not the first time that they had handled an unwilling witness.可能他们动手太晚了,对方已把情报送走了。如果真是这样,他们至少还可以向送情报的人复仇。不过他们希望这个侦探还没弄到什么非常重要的情报,要不然,他干吗不厌其烦地记下麦克默多捏造的那些毫无价值的废话呢。然而,所有这一切,他们要让他亲口招认出来。一旦把他抓到手,他们会设法让他开口的,他们已经不是第一次处理这样的事了。
McMurdo went to Hobson's Patch as agreed. The police seemed to take particular interest in him that morning, and Captain Marvin--he who had claimed the old acquaintance with him at Chicago--actually addressed him as he waited at the station. McMurdo turned away and refused to speak with him. He was back from his mission in the afternoon, and saw McGinty at the Union House.麦克默多到霍布森领地后,这天早晨警察似乎很注意他,正当麦克默多在车站等候时,那个自称在芝加哥就和他是老相识的马文队长,竟然和他打起招呼来。麦克默多不愿和他讲话,便转身走开了,这天中午麦克默多完成任务返回之后,到工会去见麦金蒂。
"He is coming," he said.“他就要来的,"麦克默多说道。
"Good!" said McGinty. The giant was in his shirt sleeves, with chains and seals gleaming athwart his ample waistcoat and a diamond twinkling through the fringe of his bristling beard. Drink and politics had made the Boss a very rich as well as powerful man. The more terrible, therefore, seemed that glimpse of the prison or the gallows which had risen before him the night before.“好极了!"麦金蒂说道。这位巨人只穿着衬衫,背心下露出的表链闪闪发光,钻石别针尤其光彩夺目。既开设酒馆,又玩弄政治,使得这位首领既有权势,又非常有钱。然而,前一天晚上,他面前仿佛隐约闪现着监狱和绞刑这样可怕的东西。
"Do you reckon he knows much?" he asked anxiously.“你估计他对我们的事知道得多吗?"麦金蒂焦虑地问道。
McMurdo shook his head gloomily. "He's been here some time--six weeks at the least. I guess he didn't come into these parts to look at the prospect. If he has been working among us all that time with the railroad money at his back, I should expect that he has got results, and that he has passed them on."麦克默多阴郁地摇了摇头,说道:“他已经来了很长时间,至少有六个星期了。我想他还没有到我们这儿来收集他需要的东西。倘若他要利用铁路资本来做后盾,又在我们中间活动了这么长时间,我想,他早已有所收获,而且早已把它传递出去了。”
"There's not a weak man in the lodge," cried McGinty. "True as steel, every man of them. And yet, by the Lord! there is that skunk Morris. What about him? If any man gives us away, it would be he. I've a mind to send a couple of the boys round before evening to give him a beating up and see what they can get from him."“我们分会里没有一个意志薄弱的人,"麦金蒂高声喊道,“每个人都象钢铁一样坚定可靠。不过,天哪!只有那个可恶的莫里斯。他的情况怎么样?一旦有人出卖我们,那就一定是他。我想派两个弟兄在天黑以前去教训他一顿,看看他们从他身上能得到什么情况。”
"Well, there would be no harm in that," McMurdo answered. "I won't deny that I have a liking for Morris and would be sorry to see him come to harm. He has spoken to me once or twice over lodge matters, and though he may not see them the same as you or I, he never seemed the sort that squeals. But still it is not for me to stand between him and you."“啊,那样做倒也无妨,"麦克默多答道,“不过,我不否认,我喜欢莫里斯,并且不忍眼看他受到伤害。他曾经向我说过一两次分会里的事,尽管他对这些事的看法不象你我一样,他也绝不象是一个告密的人。不过我并不想干涉你们之间的事。”
"I'll fix the old devil!" said McGinty with an oath. "I've had my eye on him this year past."“我一定要结果这个老鬼!"麦金蒂发誓道,“我对他留意已经有一年了。”
"Well, you know best about that," McMurdo answered. "But whatever you do must be to-morrow; for we must lie low until the Pinkerton affair is settled up. We can't afford to set the police buzzing, to-day of all days."“好,你对这些知道得很清楚,"麦克默多答道,“不过你必须等到明天再去处理,因为在平克顿这件事解决好以前,我们必须暂停其它活动。时间有的是,何必一定要在今天去惊动警察呢。”
"True for you," said McGinty. "And we'll learn from Birdy Edwards himself where he got his news if we have to cut his heart out first. Did he seem to scent a trap?"“你说得对,"麦金蒂说道,“我们可以在把伯尔弟·爱德华的心挖出以前,从他身上弄清他到底是从什么地方得到的消息。他会不会看穿我们设的圈套呢?”
McMurdo laughed. "I guess I took him on his weak point," he said. "If he could get on a good trail of the Scowrers, he's ready to follow it into hell. I took his money," McMurdo grinned as he produced a wad of dollar notes, "and as much more when he has seen all my papers."麦克默多笑容满面。“我想我抓住了他的弱点,"麦克默多说道,“如果他能得到死酷党人的踪迹,他甚至甘心尾随他上天入地。我已经拿到他的钱了。"麦克默多咧嘴笑了,取出一叠钞票给大家看,“他答应看到我的全部文件后,还要给更多的钱。”
"What papers?"“什么文件?”

As McMurdo had said, the house in which he lived was a lonely one and very well suited for such a crime as they had planned. It was on the extreme fringe of the town and stood well back from the road. In any other case the conspirators would have simply called out their man, as they had many a time before, and emptied their pistols into his body; but in this instance it was very necessary to find out how much he knew, how he knew it, and what had been passed on to his employers.
It was possible that they were already too late and that the work had been done. If that was indeed so, they could at least have their revenge upon the man who had done it. But they were hopeful that nothing of great importance had yet come to the detective's knowledge, as otherwise, they argued, he would not have troubled to write down and forward such trivial information as McMurdo claimed to have given him. However, all this they would learn from his own lips. Once in their power, they would find a way to make him speak. It was not the first time that they had handled an unwilling witness.
McMurdo went to Hobson's Patch as agreed. The police seemed to take particular interest in him that morning, and Captain Marvin--he who had claimed the old acquaintance with him at Chicago--actually addressed him as he waited at the station. McMurdo turned away and refused to speak with him. He was back from his mission in the afternoon, and saw McGinty at the Union House.
"He is coming," he said.
"Good!" said McGinty. The giant was in his shirt sleeves, with chains and seals gleaming athwart his ample waistcoat and a diamond twinkling through the fringe of his bristling beard. Drink and politics had made the Boss a very rich as well as powerful man. The more terrible, therefore, seemed that glimpse of the prison or the gallows which had risen before him the night before.
"Do you reckon he knows much?" he asked anxiously.
McMurdo shook his head gloomily. "He's been here some time--six weeks at the least. I guess he didn't come into these parts to look at the prospect. If he has been working among us all that time with the railroad money at his back, I should expect that he has got results, and that he has passed them on."
"There's not a weak man in the lodge," cried McGinty. "True as steel, every man of them. And yet, by the Lord! there is that skunk Morris. What about him? If any man gives us away, it would be he. I've a mind to send a couple of the boys round before evening to give him a beating up and see what they can get from him."
"Well, there would be no harm in that," McMurdo answered. "I won't deny that I have a liking for Morris and would be sorry to see him come to harm. He has spoken to me once or twice over lodge matters, and though he may not see them the same as you or I, he never seemed the sort that squeals. But still it is not for me to stand between him and you."
"I'll fix the old devil!" said McGinty with an oath. "I've had my eye on him this year past."
"Well, you know best about that," McMurdo answered. "But whatever you do must be to-morrow; for we must lie low until the Pinkerton affair is settled up. We can't afford to set the police buzzing, to-day of all days."
"True for you," said McGinty. "And we'll learn from Birdy Edwards himself where he got his news if we have to cut his heart out first. Did he seem to scent a trap?"
McMurdo laughed. "I guess I took him on his weak point," he said. "If he could get on a good trail of the Scowrers, he's ready to follow it into hell. I took his money," McMurdo grinned as he produced a wad of dollar notes, "and as much more when he has seen all my papers."
"What papers?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
patch [pætʃ]


n. 补丁,小片
vt. 修补,补缀

trap [træp]


n. 圈套,陷阱,困境,双轮轻便马车
v. 设

scent [sent]


n. 气味,香味,痕迹
vt. 闻出,发觉,使

unwilling ['ʌn'wiliŋ]


adj. 不愿意的

oath [əuθ]


n. 誓言,誓约,咒骂语

trivial ['triviəl]


adj. 琐碎的,不重要的

diamond ['daiəmənd]


n. 钻石,像钻石的物质,菱形,纸牌的方块,棒球内场

fringe [frindʒ]


n. 流苏,次要,边缘,额外补贴
vt. 用流

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

extreme [ik'stri:m]


adj. 极度的,极端的
n. 极端,极限





