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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"I'd like to say a word to you before we separate," said the man who had trapped them. "I guess we may not meet again until you see me on the stand in the courthouse. I'll give you something to think over between now and then. You know me now for what I am. At last I can put my cards on the table. I am Birdy Edwards of Pinkerton's. I was chosen to break up your gang. I had a hard and dangerous game to play. Not a soul, not one soul, not my nearest and dearest, knew that I was playing it. Only Captain Marvin here and my employers knew that. But it's over to-night, thank God, and I am the winner!"“在我们分别之前,我想对你们讲一句话,"这位给他们设下圈套的人说道,“我想我们不会再见面了,除非你们将来在法庭证人席上看到我。我想让你们回想一下过去和现在的一些事。你们现在知道我是谁了。我终于可以把我的名片放在桌子上了。我就是平克顿的伯尔弟·爱德华。人们选派我来破获你们这一匪帮。我是玩着一场非常艰难而危险的把戏。没有一个人,连我最亲近的人也不知道我正冒险做着的事。只有这里的马文队长和我的几个助手知道这件事。可是今晚这件事结束了,感谢上帝,我得胜了!”
The seven pale, rigid faces looked up at him. There was unappeasable hatred in their eyes. He read the relentless threat."Maybe you think that the game is not over yet. Well, I take my chance of that. Anyhow, some of you will take no further hand, and there are sixty more besides yourselves that will see a jail this night. I'll tell you this, that when I was put upon this job I never believed there was such a society as yours. I thought it was paper talk, and that I would prove it so. They told me it was to do with the Freemen; so I went to Chicago and was made one. Then I was surer than ever that it was just paper talk; for I found no harm in the society, but a deal of good.这七个人面色苍白,愣愣地望着他。他们眼中显露出抑止不住的敌意,爱德华看出他们这种威胁的神情,说道:“也许你们认为这件事还不算完。好,那我听天由命。不过,你们许多人的手不会伸得太远了,除了你们自己以外,今晚还有六十个人被捕入狱。我要告诉你们,我接受这件案子时,并不相信有象你们这样的一种社团,我还以为这是报上的无稽之谈呢。但我应当弄清楚。他们告诉我这和自由人会有关系,于是我便到芝加哥入了会。发现这个社会组织只做好事,不做坏事,那时我更加确信这些纯粹是报上的无稽之谈了。
"Still, I had to carry out my job, and I came to the coal valleys. When I reached this place I learned that I was wrong and that it wasn't a dime novel after all. So I stayed to look after it. I never killed a man in Chicago. I never minted a dollar in my life. Those I gave you were as good as any others; but I never spent money better. But I knew the way into your good wishes and so I pretended to you that the law was after me. It all worked just as I thought.“但我还是在继续查访。自从我来到这些产煤的山谷以后,我一到这地方,就知道我过去错了,这完全不是一些拙劣的故事传说。于是我便停留下来观察。在芝加哥我从未杀过人,我一生中也从未制造过伪币。我送给你们的那些钱币都是真的,但我从来没有把钱用得这样得当过。可是我知道怎样迎合你们的心理,所以我对你们假装说,我是犯了法逃走的。这一切都正如我想象的那样管用。
"So I joined your infernal lodge, and I took my share in your councils. Maybe they will say that I was as bad as you. They can say what they like, so long as I get you. But what is the truth? The night I joined you beat up old man Stanger. I could not warn him, for there was no time; but I held your hand, Baldwin, when you would have killed him. If ever I have suggested things, so as to keep my place among you, they were things which I knew I could prevent. I could not save Dunn and Menzies, for I did not know enough; but I will see that their murderers are hanged. I gave Chester Wilcox warning, so that when I blew his house in he and his folk were in hiding. There was many a crime that I could not stop; but if you look back and think how often your man came home the other road, or was down in town when you went for him, or stayed indoors when you thought he would come out, you'll see my work."“我加入了你们那恶魔一般的分会,你们商议事情时,我尽力参加。可能人们会说我象你们一样坏,他们愿意怎么说就怎么说,只要我能抓住你们就行。可是事实怎么样?你们毒打斯坦格老人那晚我参加了。因为没有时间,我来不及事先警告他。可是,鲍德温,当你要杀死他时,我拉住了你的手。假如我曾经建议过一些事情,那就是为了在你们中间保持我的地位,而这是一些我知道我可以预防的事情。我未能拯救邓恩和孟席斯,因为我事先完全不知道,然而我会看到杀害他们的凶手被处绞刑的。我事先警告了切斯特·威尔科克斯,所以,在我炸他居住的寓所时,他和家中人一起躲起来了。也有许多犯罪活动是我未能制止的,可是只要你们回顾一下,想一想为什么你们要害的人往往回家时走了另一条路,或是在你们寻找他时,他却留在镇上,或是你们认为他要出来时,他却深居不出,你们就可以知道这正是我做的了。”
"You blasted traitor!" hissed McGinty through his closed teeth.“你这个该死的内奸!"麦金蒂咬牙切齿地咒骂道。
"Ay, John McGinty, you may call me that if it eases your smart. You and your like have been the enemy of God and man in these parts. It took a man to get between you and the poor devils of men and women that you held under your grip. There was just one way of doing it, and I did it. You call me a traitor; but I guess there's many a thousand will call me a deliverer that went down into hell to save them. I've had three months of it. I wouldn't have three such months again if they let me loose in the treasury at Washington for it. I had to stay till I had it all, every man and every secret right here in this hand. I'd have waited a little longer if it hadn't come to my knowledge that my secret was coming out. A letter had come into the town that would have set you wise to it all. Then I had to act and act quickly.“喂,约翰·麦金蒂,假如这可以减轻你的伤痛,你可以这样称呼我。你和你这一类人是上帝和这些地方居民的死敌。需要有一个人到你们和受你们控制的那些可怜的男女中间去了解情况。要达到这个目地,只有一种方法,于是我就采用了这种方法。你们称呼我是内奸,可是我想有成千上万的人要称呼我是救命恩人,把他们从地狱里救出来。我用了三个月的时间,在当地调查全部情况,掌握每一个人的罪恶和每一件秘密。如果不是知道我的秘密已经泄露出去,那我还要再等一些时候才动手呢。因为镇里已经接到了一封信,它会给你们敲起警钟来。所以我只好行动,而且迅速行动。
"I've nothing more to say to you, except that when my time comes I'll die the easier when I think of the work I have done in this valley. Now, Marvin, I'll keep you no more. Take them in and get it over."“我没有别的话对你们说。我要告诉你们,在我晚年临终之日,我想到我在这山谷做的这件事,我就会安然死去。现在,马文,我不再耽搁你了。把他们拘捕起来。”
There is little more to tell. Scanlan had been given a sealed note to be left at the address of Miss Ettie Shafter, a mission which he had accepted with a wink and a knowing smile. In the early hours of the morning a beautiful woman and a much muffled man boarded a special train which had been sent by the railroad company, and made a swift, unbroken journey out of the land of danger. It was the last time that ever either Ettie or her lover set foot in the Valley of Fear. Ten days later they were married in Chicago, with old Jacob Shafter as witness of the wedding.还需要再向读者多罗嗦几句。斯坎伦被派给伊蒂·谢夫特小姐送去一封蜡封的信笺,他在接受这项使命时,眨眨眼,会意地笑了。次日一大清早,一位美丽的女子和一个蒙首盖面的人,乘坐铁路公司所派的特别快车,迅速不停地离开了这个危险的地方。这是伊蒂和她的情人在这恐怖谷中最后的行踪了。十天以后,老雅各布·谢夫特做主婚,他们在芝加哥结了婚。

"I'd like to say a word to you before we separate," said the man who had trapped them. "I guess we may not meet again until you see me on the stand in the courthouse. I'll give you something to think over between now and then. You know me now for what I am. At last I can put my cards on the table. I am Birdy Edwards of Pinkerton's. I was chosen to break up your gang. I had a hard and dangerous game to play. Not a soul, not one soul, not my nearest and dearest, knew that I was playing it. Only Captain Marvin here and my employers knew that. But it's over to-night, thank God, and I am the winner!"
The seven pale, rigid faces looked up at him. There was unappeasable hatred in their eyes. He read the relentless threat."Maybe you think that the game is not over yet. Well, I take my chance of that. Anyhow, some of you will take no further hand, and there are sixty more besides yourselves that will see a jail this night. I'll tell you this, that when I was put upon this job I never believed there was such a society as yours. I thought it was paper talk, and that I would prove it so. They told me it was to do with the Freemen; so I went to Chicago and was made one. Then I was surer than ever that it was just paper talk; for I found no harm in the society, but a deal of good.
"Still, I had to carry out my job, and I came to the coal valleys. When I reached this place I learned that I was wrong and that it wasn't a dime novel after all. So I stayed to look after it. I never killed a man in Chicago. I never minted a dollar in my life. Those I gave you were as good as any others; but I never spent money better. But I knew the way into your good wishes and so I pretended to you that the law was after me. It all worked just as I thought.
"So I joined your infernal lodge, and I took my share in your councils. Maybe they will say that I was as bad as you. They can say what they like, so long as I get you. But what is the truth? The night I joined you beat up old man Stanger. I could not warn him, for there was no time; but I held your hand, Baldwin, when you would have killed him. If ever I have suggested things, so as to keep my place among you, they were things which I knew I could prevent. I could not save Dunn and Menzies, for I did not know enough; but I will see that their murderers are hanged. I gave Chester Wilcox warning, so that when I blew his house in he and his folk were in hiding. There was many a crime that I could not stop; but if you look back and think how often your man came home the other road, or was down in town when you went for him, or stayed indoors when you thought he would come out, you'll see my work."
"You blasted traitor!" hissed McGinty through his closed teeth.
"Ay, John McGinty, you may call me that if it eases your smart. You and your like have been the enemy of God and man in these parts. It took a man to get between you and the poor devils of men and women that you held under your grip. There was just one way of doing it, and I did it. You call me a traitor; but I guess there's many a thousand will call me a deliverer that went down into hell to save them. I've had three months of it. I wouldn't have three such months again if they let me loose in the treasury at Washington for it. I had to stay till I had it all, every man and every secret right here in this hand. I'd have waited a little longer if it hadn't come to my knowledge that my secret was coming out. A letter had come into the town that would have set you wise to it all. Then I had to act and act quickly.
"I've nothing more to say to you, except that when my time comes I'll die the easier when I think of the work I have done in this valley. Now, Marvin, I'll keep you no more. Take them in and get it over."
There is little more to tell. Scanlan had been given a sealed note to be left at the address of Miss Ettie Shafter, a mission which he had accepted with a wink and a knowing smile. In the early hours of the morning a beautiful woman and a much muffled man boarded a special train which had been sent by the railroad company, and made a swift, unbroken journey out of the land of danger. It was the last time that ever either Ettie or her lover set foot in the Valley of Fear. Ten days later they were married in Chicago, with old Jacob Shafter as witness of the wedding.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
relentless [ri'lentlis]


adj. 无情的,冷酷的,残酷的

treasury ['treʒəri]


n. 国库,宝库 (大写)财政部,国债

witness ['witnis]


n. 目击者,证人
vt. 目击,见证,出席,

rigid ['ridʒid]


adj. 僵硬的,刻板的,严格的



adj. 听不清的;蒙住的 v. 裹住;蒙住…的头;捂住

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

swift [swift]


adj. 快的,迅速的
n. 雨燕,线轴

jail [dʒeil]


n. 监牢,监狱,拘留所
vt. 监禁,下狱

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,





