v. 说,说话,演说
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'Pardon! There was the supper! It should be eaten on the instant. Monsieur (who spoke French like an Angel - or a Frenchman - it was all the same) had spoken with great emphasis of his punctuality. But the English nation had so grand a genius for punctuality. Ah! what noise! Great Heaven, here was Monsieur. Behold him!' | “请原谅!晚饭已经准备好了!应当立刻就吃。Monsieur(他法语说得像天使一样或说得像法国人一样--不论怎么说,反正都一样)曾经十分强调,他严守时刻。不过英国民族就是素以严守时刻而著称的。啊!什么!我的老天爷,MonBsieur一来了。请看他!” |
In effect, Monsieur, admitted by the other of the two, came, with his gleaming teeth, through the dark rooms, like a mouth; and arriving in that sanctuary of light and colour, a figure at full length, embraced Madame, and addressed her in the French tongue as his charming wife | Monsieur真的来了,是另一位仆人去开了门,让他进来的;他露出闪闪发光的牙齿,穿过黑暗的房间,像一只嘴巴似地走来了。当他走进这个光与颜色的圣所,显露出全部身形的时候,他拥抱了夫人,用法语称他为迷人的妻子。 |
'My God! Madame is going to faint. Madame is overcome with joy!' The bald man with the beard observed it, and cried out. | “我的老天爷!夫人要晕倒了。夫人太高兴啦!”秃头并留着胡子的仆人注意到这一点,喊道。 |
Madame had only shrunk and shivered. Before the words were spoken, she was standing with her hand upon the velvet back of a great chair; her figure drawn up to its full height, and her face immoveable. | 夫人实际上只是往后退缩和打颤罢了。在仆人还没有说这些话之前,她已站在那里,把手搁在一张大椅子的丝绒椅背上;她身子挺得笔直,脸色十分呆板。 |
'Francois has flown over to the Golden Head for supper. He flies on these occasions like an angel or a bird. The baggage of Monsieur is in his room. All is arranged. The supper will be here this moment.' These facts the bald man notified with bows and smiles, and presently the supper came. | “弗朗索阿已飞跑到 金头 去取晚饭了。这种时候他总是飞跑得像个天使或像一只鸟儿一样。Monsieur的行李就在他的房间里。一切都安排好了。晚饭就送到这里。”秃头的仆人连连鞠躬,满脸微笑地报告着这些事情。不一会儿,晚饭就送到了。 |
The hot dishes were on a chafing-dish; the cold already set forth, with the change of service on a sideboard. Monsieur was satisfied with this arrangement. The supper table being small, it pleased him very well. Let them set the chafing-dish upon the floor, and go. He would remove the dishes with his own hands. | 热菜放在酒精炉盆上;冷菜早已摆放在桌子上。备用的餐具放在餐具柜上。Monseur对这些安排感到满意。晚餐桌是小的,这使他很喜欢。他们应当把酒精炉盆放到地板上,然后离开。他将自己来拿菜。 |
'Pardon!' said the bald man, politely. 'It was impossible!' | “请原谅!”秃头的仆人彬彬有礼地说道,”这可不行!哪能这样呢?” |
Monsieur was of another opinion. He required no further attendance that night. | Monsieur是另一种意见。今天夜里他不要求他们侍候了。 |
'But Madame - ' the bald man hinted. | “可是夫人--”秃头的仆人暗示道。 |
'Madame,' replied Monsieur, 'had her own maid. It was enough.' | “夫人有她自己的侍女,”Monsieur回答道。 |
'A million pardons! No! Madame had no maid!' | “请原谅一百万次!没有!夫人没有侍女!” |
'I came here alone,' said Edith 'It was my choice to do so. I am well used to travelling; I want no attendance. They need send nobody to me. | “我一个人到这里来的,”伊迪丝说道”我喜欢这样。我习惯于旅行;我不需要人侍候我。请不要给我派什么人来。” |
Monsieur accordingly, persevering in his first proposed impossibility, proceeded to follow the two attendants to the outer door, and secure it after them for the night. The bald man turning round to bow, as he went out, observed that Madame still stood with her hand upon the velvet back of the great chair, and that her face was quite regardless of him, though she was looking straight before her. | 因此,Monsieur坚持他原先提出的”这可不行”的建议,跟随两个侍者到外面的门口,把门关紧,这一夜就不让别人进来了。秃头的仆人在要走出去的时候,转过身来鞠躬,这时看到夫人依旧站在那里,手搁在大椅子的丝绒椅背上,她虽然直望着前面,但却很不注意他。 |
As the sound of Carker's fastening the door resounded through the intermediate rooms, and seemed to come hushed and stilled into that last distant one, the sound of the Cathedral clock striking twelve mingled with it, in Edith's ears She heard him pause, as if he heard it too and listened; and then came back towards her, laying a long train of footsteps through the silence, and shutting all the doors behind him as he came along. Her hand, for a moment, left the velvet chair to bring a knife within her reach upon the table; then she stood as she had stood before. | 当卡克先生关门的在中间的各个房间中回响,并似乎要在最远的房间中完全沉寂下来的时候,大教堂的钟敲了十二下,两种在伊迪丝的耳朵里融合在一起。她听到他停下脚步,仿佛他也听到了,并正在听着;然后他又朝她走回来;在寂静中留下了一长串的脚步声;他一边走一边把所有的门都关上。她的手离开丝绒椅子一会儿,去拿桌子上她可以够得到的一把餐刀;然后她像先前一样站着。 |
'How strange to come here by yourself, my love!' he said as he entered. | “真奇怪,你怎么一个人到这里来,我亲爱的!”他走进来的时候,说道。 |
'What?' she returned. | “什么?”她回答道。 |
In effect, Monsieur, admitted by the other of the two, came, with his gleaming teeth, through the dark rooms, like a mouth; and arriving in that sanctuary of light and colour, a figure at full length, embraced Madame, and addressed her in the French tongue as his charming wife
'My God! Madame is going to faint. Madame is overcome with joy!' The bald man with the beard observed it, and cried out.
Madame had only shrunk and shivered. Before the words were spoken, she was standing with her hand upon the velvet back of a great chair; her figure drawn up to its full height, and her face immoveable.
'Francois has flown over to the Golden Head for supper. He flies on these occasions like an angel or a bird. The baggage of Monsieur is in his room. All is arranged. The supper will be here this moment.' These facts the bald man notified with bows and smiles, and presently the supper came.
The hot dishes were on a chafing-dish; the cold already set forth, with the change of service on a sideboard. Monsieur was satisfied with this arrangement. The supper table being small, it pleased him very well. Let them set the chafing-dish upon the floor, and go. He would remove the dishes with his own hands.
'Pardon!' said the bald man, politely. 'It was impossible!'
Monsieur was of another opinion. He required no further attendance that night.
'But Madame - ' the bald man hinted.
'Madame,' replied Monsieur, 'had her own maid. It was enough.'
'A million pardons! No! Madame had no maid!'
'I came here alone,' said Edith 'It was my choice to do so. I am well used to travelling; I want no attendance. They need send nobody to me.
Monsieur accordingly, persevering in his first proposed impossibility, proceeded to follow the two attendants to the outer door, and secure it after them for the night. The bald man turning round to bow, as he went out, observed that Madame still stood with her hand upon the velvet back of the great chair, and that her face was quite regardless of him, though she was looking straight before her.
As the sound of Carker's fastening the door resounded through the intermediate rooms, and seemed to come hushed and stilled into that last distant one, the sound of the Cathedral clock striking twelve mingled with it, in Edith's ears She heard him pause, as if he heard it too and listened; and then came back towards her, laying a long train of footsteps through the silence, and shutting all the doors behind him as he came along. Her hand, for a moment, left the velvet chair to bring a knife within her reach upon the table; then she stood as she had stood before.
'How strange to come here by yourself, my love!' he said as he entered.
'What?' she returned.
“弗朗索阿已飞跑到 金头 去取晚饭了。这种时候他总是飞跑得像个天使或像一只鸟儿一样。Monsieur的行李就在他的房间里。一切都安排好了。晚饭就送到这里。”秃头的仆人连连鞠躬,满脸微笑地报告着这些事情。不一会儿,晚饭就送到了。

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