adj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的,暴露于风雨中的 v. 暴露,
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'And calculated on it,' she rejoined, 'and so pursued me. Grown too indifferent for any opposition but indifference, to the daily working of the hands that had moulded me to this; and knowing that my marriage would at least prevent their hawking of me up and down; I suffered myself to be sold, as infamously as any woman with a halter round her neck is sold in any market-place. You know that.' | “你也正指望着这一点!”她回答道,”所以就来追求我。我已变得对一切太漠不关心,所以对那双把我塑造成现在这个样子的那双手的日常工作,我只是漠不关心而不会提出任何反对。我知道,我结了婚至少可以阻止他们把我到处兜售;我听凭自己被可耻地卖出去,就像脖子上套着绳圈、在任何市场上被卖出去的任何女人一样。你知道这一点。” |
'Yes,' he said, showing all his teeth 'I know that.' | “是的,”他露出所有的牙齿,说道,”我知道这一点。” |
'And calculated on it,' she rejoined once more, 'and so pursued me. From my marriage day, I found myself exposed to such new shame - to such solicitation and pursuit (expressed as clearly as if it had been written in the coarsest words, and thrust into my hand at every turn) from one mean villain, that I felt as if I had never known humiliation till that time. This shame my husband fixed upon me; hemmed me round with, himself; steeped me in, with his own hands, and of his own act, repeated hundreds of times. And thus - forced by the two from every point of rest I had - forced by the two to yield up the last retreat of love and gentleness within me, or to be a new misfortune on its innocent object - driven from each to each, and beset by one when I escaped the other - my anger rose almost to distraction against both I do not know against which it rose higher - the master or the man!' | “你也正指望着这一点!”她回答道,”所以就来追求我。从我结婚的那一天起,我发现我面临着一种新的羞辱--面临着一位卑鄙的恶棍的勾引与追求(那就仿佛是用最粗野的文字写在纸上一样清楚,这张纸又经常不断地被塞到我的手里);它使我感到,仿佛直到这时候我才开始明白屈辱是什么。这羞辱是我的丈夫给我安排好的,是他亲自把我关进羞辱的圈子中,是他亲自把我浸泡在羞辱的水中,而且自愿地重复做了几百次。就这样,这两个人迫使我失去了我的任何安宁,这两个人迫使我放弃了我内心最后剩余的一点爱与温情,或者给我的爱与温情的对象招致了新的不幸;就这样,我从一个人那里被赶到另一个人那里;当我避开了一个人的时候,我却被另一个人所困扰--,我对他们两人的愤怒几乎达到了发狂的地步。我不知道对谁更愤怒,是对主人呢还是对他的奴仆!” |
He watched her closely, as she stood before him in the very triumph of her indignant beauty. She was resolute, he saw; undauntable; with no more fear of him than of a worm. | 当美丽的她以胜利者的姿态愤怒地站在他的面前时,他目不转睛地注视着她。他看到,她是坚决的,无畏的,对他就像对一个虫子一样,毫不害怕。 |
'What should I say of honour or of chastity to you!' she went on. 'What meaning would it have to you; what meaning would it have from me! But if I tell you that the lightest touch of your hand makes my blood cold with antipathy; that from the hour when I first saw and hated you, to now, when my instinctive repugnance is enhanced by every minute's knowledge of you I have since had, you have been a loathsome creature to me which has not its like on earth; how then?' | “关于荣誉或贞洁,我有什么可以对你说的呢!”她继续说下去,”这对你有什么意义呢,对我又有什么意义呢!可是如果我对你说,你的手稍稍碰到我一下,我的血就会由于厌恶而发冷;如果我对你说,从我第一次看到你和憎恨你的时候开始,直到现在,我对你愈益了解,我对你的本能的反感就愈益增强,因此,对我来说,你一直是一个我讨厌的东西,在世界上再也找不到它的同类了;可是如果我对你说这些,那么又将怎样呢?” |
He answered with a faint laugh, 'Ay! How then, my queen?' | 他轻轻地笑了一下,回答道,”是呀!那么又将怎样呢,我的皇后?” |
'On that night, when, emboldened by the scene you had assisted at, you dared come to my room and speak to me,' she said, 'what passed?' | “那天夜里,在那个你曾助了一臂之力的场面出现之后,你鼓起勇气,胆敢走进我的房间对我说话,”她说道,”那以后的事情是怎样的?” |
He shrugged his shoulders, and laughed | 他耸耸肩膀,又大笑着。 |
'What passed?' she said. | “那以后的事情是怎样的?”她又问道。 |
'Your memory is so distinct,' he said, 'that I have no doubt you can recall it.' | “你的记性很好,”他回答道,”我毫不怀疑,你能记得。” |
'I can,' she said. 'Hear it! Proposing then, this flight - not this flight, but the flight you thought it - you told me that in the having given you that meeting, and leaving you to be discovered there, if you so thought fit; and in the having suffered you to be alone with me many times before, - and having made the opportunities, you said, - and in the having openly avowed to you that I had no feeling for my husband but aversion, and no care for myself - I was lost; I had given you the power to traduce my name; and I lived, in virtuous reputation, at the pleasure of your breath' | “是的,我能,”她说道,”听着吧!那时你建议逃走--不是像这样的逃走,而是他你所想的那样逃走--;你对我说,因为我准许你进行那次会晤,让你可能在那里被找到(如果你认为那样是合适的话),因为我以前好多次允许你跟我单独在一起,并为这提供了机会(你是这样说的),还因为我直言不讳地向你承认,我对我的丈夫除了厌恶之外没有别的感情,而且我对我自己不关心,这样我就把我自己断送了;你还说,我给了你诽谤我名声的权力;我今后是否保住贞洁的声誉就全凭你怎么说了。” |
'All stratagems in love - ' he interrupted, smiling. 'The old adage - ' | “在爱情中的一切策略--”他笑嘻嘻地打断说,”古老的谚语--” |
'On that night,' said Edith, 'and then, the struggle that I long had had with something that was not respect for my good fame - that was I know not what - perhaps the clinging to that last retreat- was ended. On that night, and then, I turned from everything but passion and resentment. I struck a blow that laid your lofty master in the dust, and set you there, before me, looking at me now, and knowing what I mean.' | “在那天夜里,”伊迪丝说道,”我长久以来一直在进行的一个斗争终止了,那绝不是为关心我的美好名声而进行的斗争。我不知道是在跟什么进行斗争,--也许是在跟我内心剩余的那点爱与温情斗争吧。那天夜里,我除了愤怒与怨恨外,抛弃了其他一切感情。我打出一拳,它使你的傲慢的主人蒙受了奇耻大辱,并迫使你现在在这里站在我面前,望着我,并了解我的用意是什么。” |
He sprung up from his chair with a great oath. She put her hand into her bosom, and not a finger trembled, not a hair upon her head was stirred. He stood still: she too: the table and chair between them.~ | 他大声地咀咒了一声,从椅子上跳了起来。她把手伸进怀里,没有一个手指发抖,没有一根头发动一动。他一动不动地站着,她也一动不动地站着,在他们中间隔着一张桌子和一把椅子。 |
'When I forget that this man put his lips to mine that night, and held me in his arms as he has done again to-night,' said Edith, pointing at him; 'when I forget the taint of his kiss upon my cheek - the cheek that Florence would have laid her guiltless face against - when I forget my meeting with her, while that taint was hot upon me, and in what a flood the knowledge rushed upon me when I saw her, that in releasing her from the persecution I had caused by my love, I brought a shame and degradation on her name through mine, and in all time to come should be the solitary figure representing in her mind her first avoidance of a guilty creature - then, Husband, from whom I stand divorced henceforth, I will forget these last two years, and undo what I have done, and undeceive you!' | “今后如果我已忘记这个人那天夜里就像他今天夜里又这样做的一样,把他的嘴唇压到我的嘴唇上,并把我搂在他的怀里的话,”伊迪丝指着他,说道,”今后如果我已忘记他的吻在我的脸颊(这是弗洛伦斯愿意将她天真无邪的小脸紧贴着的脸颊)上留下的污点的话,今后如果我已忘记当这污点还在我脸上发烧时,我曾经遇见她的话(当我看见她的时候,我突然思潮如涌地想起,我对她的爱会使她遭受迫害;我的逃走虽然可以使她免遭这种迫害,但我却由于自己不顾耻辱与堕落,给她的名声也蒙上了耻辱,造成了损害,因此在她的心中今后我将永远是一个她必须首先避开的罪人了),今后如果我把这一切都已忘记的话,那么,那时候,我的丈夫,从今以后我已与您离婚的丈夫,我将忘记最近的这两年,向您解释我所做的事情,使您醒悟过来!” |
Her flashing eyes, uplifted for a moment, lighted again on Carker, and she held some letters out in her left hand. | 她闪闪发光的眼睛抬起一会儿,然后又停落在卡克身上;她把左手里拿着的几封信向他递过去。 |
'See these!' she said, contemptuously. 'You have addressed these to me in the false name you go by; one here, some elsewhere on my road. The seals are unbroken. Take them back!' | “看这些信!”她轻蔑地说道,”你把这些信寄给我,信封上还用你杜撰的名义来称呼我:一封信交到这里,其他的几封留在我路途中停留的地方。这些信全都没有拆开。拿回去吧。” |
She crunched them in her hand, and tossed them to his feet. And as she looked upon him now, a smile was on her face. | 她把它们揉成一团,投掷在他的脚边。当她重新看着他的时候,她脸上露出一丝微笑。 |
'We meet and part to-night,' she said. 'You have fallen on Sicilian days and sensual rest, too soon. You might have cajoled, and fawned, and played your traitor's part, a little longer, and grown richer. You purchase your voluptuous retirement dear!' | “我们今天夜里见面,今天夜里分离,”她说道。”你对西西里的日子和淫荡欢乐的休息想得太早了。你本可以继续哄骗,继续溜须拍马,把你那奸诈的角色扮演得稍许长久一些,钱挣得更多一些。你已为贪恋女色的退隐生活付出了昂贵的代价了!” |
'Edith!' he retorted, menacing her with his hand. 'Sit down! Have done with this! What devil possesses you?' | “伊迪丝,”他做了个威胁的手势,回答道,”坐下,把这一套收起来吧!什么魔鬼附着在你身上了!” |
'Yes,' he said, showing all his teeth 'I know that.'
'And calculated on it,' she rejoined once more, 'and so pursued me. From my marriage day, I found myself exposed to such new shame - to such solicitation and pursuit (expressed as clearly as if it had been written in the coarsest words, and thrust into my hand at every turn) from one mean villain, that I felt as if I had never known humiliation till that time. This shame my husband fixed upon me; hemmed me round with, himself; steeped me in, with his own hands, and of his own act, repeated hundreds of times. And thus - forced by the two from every point of rest I had - forced by the two to yield up the last retreat of love and gentleness within me, or to be a new misfortune on its innocent object - driven from each to each, and beset by one when I escaped the other - my anger rose almost to distraction against both I do not know against which it rose higher - the master or the man!'
He watched her closely, as she stood before him in the very triumph of her indignant beauty. She was resolute, he saw; undauntable; with no more fear of him than of a worm.
'What should I say of honour or of chastity to you!' she went on. 'What meaning would it have to you; what meaning would it have from me! But if I tell you that the lightest touch of your hand makes my blood cold with antipathy; that from the hour when I first saw and hated you, to now, when my instinctive repugnance is enhanced by every minute's knowledge of you I have since had, you have been a loathsome creature to me which has not its like on earth; how then?'
He answered with a faint laugh, 'Ay! How then, my queen?'
'On that night, when, emboldened by the scene you had assisted at, you dared come to my room and speak to me,' she said, 'what passed?'
He shrugged his shoulders, and laughed
'What passed?' she said.
'Your memory is so distinct,' he said, 'that I have no doubt you can recall it.'
'I can,' she said. 'Hear it! Proposing then, this flight - not this flight, but the flight you thought it - you told me that in the having given you that meeting, and leaving you to be discovered there, if you so thought fit; and in the having suffered you to be alone with me many times before, - and having made the opportunities, you said, - and in the having openly avowed to you that I had no feeling for my husband but aversion, and no care for myself - I was lost; I had given you the power to traduce my name; and I lived, in virtuous reputation, at the pleasure of your breath'
'All stratagems in love - ' he interrupted, smiling. 'The old adage - '
'On that night,' said Edith, 'and then, the struggle that I long had had with something that was not respect for my good fame - that was I know not what - perhaps the clinging to that last retreat- was ended. On that night, and then, I turned from everything but passion and resentment. I struck a blow that laid your lofty master in the dust, and set you there, before me, looking at me now, and knowing what I mean.'
He sprung up from his chair with a great oath. She put her hand into her bosom, and not a finger trembled, not a hair upon her head was stirred. He stood still: she too: the table and chair between them.~
'When I forget that this man put his lips to mine that night, and held me in his arms as he has done again to-night,' said Edith, pointing at him; 'when I forget the taint of his kiss upon my cheek - the cheek that Florence would have laid her guiltless face against - when I forget my meeting with her, while that taint was hot upon me, and in what a flood the knowledge rushed upon me when I saw her, that in releasing her from the persecution I had caused by my love, I brought a shame and degradation on her name through mine, and in all time to come should be the solitary figure representing in her mind her first avoidance of a guilty creature - then, Husband, from whom I stand divorced henceforth, I will forget these last two years, and undo what I have done, and undeceive you!'
Her flashing eyes, uplifted for a moment, lighted again on Carker, and she held some letters out in her left hand.
'See these!' she said, contemptuously. 'You have addressed these to me in the false name you go by; one here, some elsewhere on my road. The seals are unbroken. Take them back!'
She crunched them in her hand, and tossed them to his feet. And as she looked upon him now, a smile was on her face.
'We meet and part to-night,' she said. 'You have fallen on Sicilian days and sensual rest, too soon. You might have cajoled, and fawned, and played your traitor's part, a little longer, and grown richer. You purchase your voluptuous retirement dear!'
'Edith!' he retorted, menacing her with his hand. 'Sit down! Have done with this! What devil possesses you?'
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
exposed | [iks'pəuzd] | |||
antipathy | [æn'tipəθi] | 联想记忆 | ||
worm | [wə:m] | |||
humiliation | [hju:.mili'eiʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
solicitation | [sə.lisi'teiʃən] | |||
opposition | [.ɔpə'ziʃən] | |||
misfortune | [mis'fɔ:tʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
scene | [si:n] | |||
figure | ['figə] | 联想记忆 | ||
reputation | [.repju'teiʃən] | 联想记忆 |

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