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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The trial of the Scowrers was held far from the place where their adherents might have terrified the guardians of the law. In vain they struggled. In vain the money of the lodge--money squeezed by blackmail out of the whole countryside--was spent like water in the attempt to save them. That cold, clear, unimpassioned statement from one who knew every detail of their lives, their organization, and their crimes was unshaken by all the wiles of their defenders. At last after so many years they were broken and scattered. The cloud was lifted forever from the valley.这些死酷党人被押解到远处去审判,他们的党徒无法去威胁那里的法律监护人,他们枉费心机去运动,花钱如流水一般地去搭救(这些钱都是从全镇敲诈、勒索、抢劫而来的),结果依然是白费心机。控诉他们用的证词写得非常周密、明确、证据确凿。因为写这份证词的人熟知他们的生活、组织和每一犯罪活动的每一细节,以致他们的辩护人耍尽阴谋诡计,也无法挽救他们灭亡的命运。过了这么多年,死酷党人终于被击破、被粉碎了。从此,山谷永远驱散了乌云。
McGinty met his fate upon the scaffold, cringing and whining when the last hour came. Eight of his chief followers shared his fate. Fifty-odd had various degrees of imprisonment. The work of Birdy Edwards was complete.麦金蒂在绞架上结束了他的生命,临刑时悲泣哀号也是徒然。其他八名首犯也被处死。另有五十多名党徒被判以各种的徒刑。至此,伯尔弟·爱德华大功告成。
And yet, as he had guessed, the game was not over yet. There was another hand to be played, and yet another and another. Ted Baldwin, for one, had escaped the scaffold; so had the Willabys; so had several others of the fiercest spirits of the gang. For ten years they were out of the world, and then came a day when they were free once more--a day which Edwards, who knew his men, was very sure would be an end of his life of peace. They had sworn an oath on all that they thought holy to have his blood as a vengeance for their comrades. And well they strove to keep their vow!然而,正如爱德华所预料的,这出戏还不算结束。还有别的人要继续上演,而且一个接一个地演下去。特德·鲍德温首先逃脱了绞刑,其次是威拉比兄弟二人,还有这一伙人中其他几个凶狠残暴的人也都逃脱了绞刑。他们只被监禁了十年,终于获得释放,而爱德华深深了解这些人,他意识到仇敌出狱这一天也就是自己和平生活的结束。这些党徒立誓要为他们的同党报仇雪恨,不杀死他决不罢休!
From Chicago he was chased, after two attempts so near success that it was sure that the third would get him. From Chicago he went under a changed name to California, and it was there that the light went for a time out of his life when Ettie Edwards died. Once again he was nearly killed, and once again under the name of Douglas he worked in a lonely canon, where with an English partner named Barker he amassed a fortune. At last there came a warning to him that the bloodhounds were on his track once more, and he cleared--only just in time--for England. And thence came the John Douglas who for a second time married a worthy mate, and lived for five years as a Sussex county gentleman, a life which ended with the strange happenings of which we have heard.有两次他们几乎得手,毫无疑问,第三次会接踵而至。爱德华无奈离开了芝加哥。他更名换姓从芝加哥迁至加利福尼亚。伊蒂·爱德华与世长辞,他的生活一时失去了光彩。有一次他险遭毒手,他便再次更名道格拉斯在一个人迹稀少的峡谷里和一个名叫巴克的英国人合伙经营矿业,积蓄了一大笔财富。最后,他发现那些嗜血的猎犬又追踪而来。他清楚地意识到,只有立即迁往英国才是出路。后来约翰·道格拉斯重娶了一位高贵的女子,过了五年苏塞克斯郡的绅士生活。这种生活最后所发生的奇事,前面已经介绍过了。

The trial of the Scowrers was held far from the place where their adherents might have terrified the guardians of the law. In vain they struggled. In vain the money of the lodge--money squeezed by blackmail out of the whole countryside--was spent like water in the attempt to save them. That cold, clear, unimpassioned statement from one who knew every detail of their lives, their organization, and their crimes was unshaken by all the wiles of their defenders. At last after so many years they were broken and scattered. The cloud was lifted forever from the valley.
McGinty met his fate upon the scaffold, cringing and whining when the last hour came. Eight of his chief followers shared his fate. Fifty-odd had various degrees of imprisonment. The work of Birdy Edwards was complete.
And yet, as he had guessed, the game was not over yet. There was another hand to be played, and yet another and another. Ted Baldwin, for one, had escaped the scaffold; so had the Willabys; so had several others of the fiercest spirits of the gang. For ten years they were out of the world, and then came a day when they were free once more--a day which Edwards, who knew his men, was very sure would be an end of his life of peace. They had sworn an oath on all that they thought holy to have his blood as a vengeance for their comrades. And well they strove to keep their vow!
From Chicago he was chased, after two attempts so near success that it was sure that the third would get him. From Chicago he went under a changed name to California, and it was there that the light went for a time out of his life when Ettie Edwards died. Once again he was nearly killed, and once again under the name of Douglas he worked in a lonely canon, where with an English partner named Barker he amassed a fortune. At last there came a warning to him that the bloodhounds were on his track once more, and he cleared--only just in time--for England. And thence came the John Douglas who for a second time married a worthy mate, and lived for five years as a Sussex county gentleman, a life which ended with the strange happenings of which we have heard.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

cringing [krindʒŋ]


adj. 谄媚的,奉承的 n. 谄媚,奉承 动词crin

canon ['kænən]


n. 教规,标准,准则,真经,真作,[音]卡农曲 n.

trial ['traiəl]


adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力

blackmail ['blækmeil]


n. 勒索
vt. 勒索,讹诈

vain [vein]


adj. 徒劳的,无效的,自负的,虚荣的

unimpassioned ['ʌnim'pæʃənd]


adj. 没有激情的;不动感情的;不感情用事的

fortune ['fɔ:tʃən]


n. 财产,命运,运气

imprisonment [im'priznmənt]


n. 监禁,关押,拘禁

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合





