Even as Japan and the EU embark on fresh rounds of quantitative easing to ward off deflation, the People’s Bank of China is holding the line against major stimulus.
China’s central bank is resisting a rising chorus appealing for more aggressive easing to arrest a slowdown in the economy. Instead it is taking a gritted-teeth approach that accepts short-term pain as the price of structural reform that will support sustainable long-term growth.

At first glance calls for easing in China appear justified.
Consumer price inflation remained mired near a five-year low in October, while the government’s purchasing managers’ index hit a five-month low. That followed growth in economic output in the third quarter that was the slowest since the financial crisis.
Yet a year after the Communist party revealed a landmark economic reform blueprint, the PBoC wants to avoid steps that would be viewed as undermining the effort to reduce the economy’s reliance on debt and investment.
“The central bank has become wary of using its traditional monetary tools like cuts in the required reserve ratio and benchmark interest rates. They’ve basically shelved them,” says Wang Yingfeng, investment director at Shanghai Yaozhi Asset Management, which runs a bond fund.
上海耀之资产管理中心(Shanghai Yaozhi Asset Management)投资总监王影峰表示:“央行对利用降低存款准备金率和基准利率等传统货币工具感到担忧。他们基本上没有考虑这些举措。”该公司管理着一只债券基金。
The shifting approach is in part a matter of style over substance.
Even as it held off on a reserve ratio cut, in September and October the PBoC injected Rmb770bn ($125bn) into the banking system via a new monetary policy tool called the Medium-term Lending Facility. That is more money than would have entered the system through a 0.5 percentage-point RRR cut, traditionally the central bank’s main tool for managing the money supply.
在中国央行暂停降准之际,今年9月和10月,中国央行通过一个名为中期借贷便利(Medium-term Lending Facility,MLF)的新货币政策工具向银行业体系注入7700亿元人民币(合1250亿美元)。这一规模超过了将存款准备金率下调0.5个百分点进入银行业体系的资金规模。降准一直是中国央行管理货币供应的主要工具。
But the low-key nature of these fund injections – which went unannounced at the time – allows the central bank to avoid sending a strong easing signal.
“The PBoC can lower actual market rates by injecting liquidity without cutting bank benchmark rates,” Lu Ting, chief China economist at Bank of America-Merrill Lynch, wrote in a note last week. “Cutting rates is perceived as anti-reform and kind of politically incorrect.”
“中国央行可以在不降低基准利率的情况下,通过注入流动性下调实际市场利率,”美国银行-美林(Bank of America-Merrill Lynch)首席中国经济学家陆挺上周在一份报告中写道,“降息会被视为与改革相悖,政治不正确。”
Beyond appearances, the use of MLF also gives the PBoC increased flexibility compared to traditional tools.
An RRR cut is viewed as a stronger easing measure in part because it is permanent, unless the PBOC actively reverses it. By contrast, the MLF provides three-month loans to commercial banks. If the PBoC declines to roll the loans over on maturity, the newly created money automatically disappears.
Still, many economists insist a full-fledged rate cut is necessary, noting that increased liquidity in financial markets has failed to lower borrowing costs in the real economy, especially for smaller companies.
“The recent fall in yields has mainly been reflected in the bond and stock markets. But in the real economy a lot of companies aren’t able to sell bonds. They still rely on bank financing. And banks are wary of risks and charging a premium on loans,” says Cao Yang, macroeconomic analyst at Shanghai Pudong Development Bank.
上海浦东发展银行(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank)宏观经济分析师曹阳表示:“最近收益率下跌主要反映在债券和股票市场上。但在实体经济,很多企业无法发售债券。它们仍依赖银行融资。银行担心风险,对贷款收取更高费用。”
Because bank deposit rates in China remain subject to a mandatory ceiling, a cut in benchmark deposit rates would lower banks’ cost of funding. In theory, that should guide loan rates lower.
Yet a slowing and economy and rising defaults have made banks cautious about lending to smaller firms, except at high rates.
The rising risk premium is visible even in the bond market, where yields on highly rated paper have fallen because of PBoC cash injections, while spreads against lower-rated bonds have risen.
In this environment, a rate cut risks channelling even more funds to larger borrowers who are already flush with cash, while small companies still struggle to access finance.
“The loan market is fractured,” says Mr Wang. “Banks have a lot of money and they want to lend it, but only to companies they think are safe. But these companies don’t need money. Meanwhile, other companies really need funds can’t get them.”