Alibaba is planning its first bond sale in the US, taking advantage of low borrowing costs to raise funds for the refinancing of credit facilities just two months after its blockbuster initial public offering.

China’s internet giant will offer dollar-denominated notes to qualified institutional investors in a so-called 144A private placement next week, the company said in a statement. The offer may near the $8bn mark, people familiar with the sale said.
Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan Chase are managing the sale.
摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)、花旗集团(Citigroup)、德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)和摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)正在管理此次发售。
The bonds will carry an A+ investment grade credit-rating by Standard & Poor’s and an equivalent A1 rating from Moody’s.
该债券将带有标准普尔(Standard & Poor’s)授予的A+投资级信用评级,以及穆迪(Moody’s)授予的等效的A1评级。
S&P analyst Tony Tang said in a note he expects Alibaba to “maintain its dominant market position, profitability, and net cash position over the next 24 months”.
标准普尔分析师托尼•唐(Tony Tang)在一份简报中表示,他预计阿里巴巴“在未来24个月里能够维持市场主导地位、盈利能力和净现金头寸”。
Alibaba, which collected a record $25bn in its initial public offering, disclosed that it had fully exhausted an $8bn credit facility with securities regulators in September.
At the time, it reported entering into a new $3bn revolving credit facility, although it had not yet tapped the funding line.
Alibaba has seen its market valuation soar, from $168bn at the time of its New York IPO to $285bn, ranking it among the ten largest companies in the world.