On Friday morning, Jack Ma,the charismatic and already super-wealthy founder of Alibaba Group, isexpected to ring the bell of the New YorkStock Exchange. It will mark the much-anticipated debut of shares of the Chinese company, and could become theworld's largest initial public offering ever.Here are some key points you should know about the people leading thise-commerce giant:

1.Jack Mais not actually the CEO.
The name behind this massivestock offering may be the founder and the company's face — and a very visible one at that — but he's nottechnically the CEO. Ma stepped down as chief executive in January 2013, and a few months laterJonathan Lu took the CEO title.
Lu, whose first job after college was at the receptiondesk of a Holiday Inn in China, has been described as Ma's "corporatealter-ego." He's a sort of Tim Cook to Jack Ma's Steve Jobs — thesoft-spoken, behind-the-scenes operator who focuses on the company's current needs while Ma, now executive chairman, is the visionary. Still, as arecent New York Times profile reminded us, Ma continuesto act not only as the public face but as the chiefnegotiator, the top strategist and the biggest individual shareholderwho remains very much in control.
Another behind-the-scenes person of note: Simon Xie, a co-founder and vice president, is the only person besides Ma who owns the "variable-interest entities" that hold the operating licenses tovarious Web sites that are critical to Alibaba's business. Accordingto Reuters,the unassuming Xie helps run Alibaba's investment division and is not a memberof the 30-person steering committee that manages the company (see below), buthe is still "one of Ma's most trusted business partners."
2. Its governance structureis novel, and possibly unprecedented, for a company of this size.
Alibaba Group has an unorthodox approachto governing itself. In filings,it writes that the company has acted like a partnership in many ways since its founders first got together in Jack Ma's apartment in 1999. As aresult, in 2010 it established the "Alibaba Partnership," a now 30-member steering committee made up of managers at Alibaba Group andrelated companies. Alibaba says this arrangement allows executives to focus on the long-term, collaborate better and "override bureaucracy andhierarchy."
In filings, the company also noted it sees this as a better alternative todual-class share structures, which have been used in other tech giants. In those, votes by shareholders (often founders) who own acertain class of stock carry a disproportionate weight. Alibaba has argued its structure "is designed to embody the vision of a large group of managementpartners. This structure is our solution for preserving the culture shaped byour founders while at the same time accounting for the fact that founders will inevitably retire from the company."
Yet while those Alibaba managers in the partnership don't have outsized votes, they do have a very special privilege: They get to nominate a majority of the company's governing body, its board of directors.
That means, in effect, they have the power to choose whom they answer to. "You're basicallyceding control to management," says Charles Elson, the director of the John L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governanceat the University of Delaware. "It's very unusual. I've never seen anything like it for a company of this size."
3. That — plus Ma's comment that "shareholders comethird" — could be a concern for some investors.
Sinceinsiders have so much control over the board, some governance experts wonderwhat that means for the board's independence and efficacy. Harvard Law School's Lucian Bebchuk, for example, detailed his concerns in a recent NewYork Times piece.While that risk doesn't seem to be keeping many people away from the huge stock offering, some investors have called it out as a warning sign.
Less worrisome is the comment in Ma's letter to shareholders that Alibaba "willput 'customers first, employees second, and shareholders third.'” Plentyof other business leaders haveused similar phrasing,and what he appears to mean is that he intends to focus on the long termrather than give in to short-term whims of shareholders that might arise. Without offering something that's first and foremost valuable to customers, and ensuring the company has happy, talented and focusedemployees to support that work, "we could not possibly have satisfied shareholders," Ma writes.
4. The gender diversity of its management team is better than that ofsome big companies in Silicon Valley. But on the board,it's lacking.
Nine of the 30 members of the AlibabaPartnership, or nearly 30 percent, are women. And three of the 12 executives itlists on its Web site as leaders of the companyare as well. That's higher thanthe 21 percent of Google's leaders who are women and the21 percent at Twitter. (The28 percent at eBay and Apple are more in line.) AlibabaGroup's chief financial officer, head of human resources, and "chief customer officer" are all women.
Yet the gender makeup of its boardleaves something to be desired. The lone female on the nine-member board is Yahoo's chief development officer, Jacqueline Reses — and she is expected to step down once the IPO is completed.
5. The annual shareholder letter won't always come fromMa, or the CEO.
That may sound like a trivial thing, butit's not. Annual shareholder letters from big-namecompanies, such as Warren Buffett's at Berkshire Hath away or the one written by Amazon's Jeff Bezos (who also owns the Washingt on Post), are widely studied byinvestors. They offer shareholders a sense of the big-picture strategy,some insights on how management thinks, and the key priorities for the company.Yet Ma has written that, after the IPO, his "partners in the Alibaba Partnership will take turns writing the annual letter." That's a veryunusual practice — just like plenty of other things about this huge companythat's about to go public.
这最后一点听起来有点微不足道,但事实并不是这样。 知名公司的年度股东信,比如伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司的沃伦巴菲特或者是亚马逊的杰夫·贝佐斯(他还收购了华生顿邮报)所写的年度股东信都被投资者广泛地研究。这些股东信给股东以大战略的愿景、一些对公司管理的见解以及公司的当务之急。马云写了这第一封,但在IPO之后,将有他的阿里合伙人们轮流来写年度股东信。这是一种不寻常的做法————就像这家即将上市的大公司的很多其他新鲜事一样。