Dmitry and Maria Valent are masters of Thai boxing and spouses. They have been married for one year only but acquainted for more than nine years. They met during competitions.
Dmitry had been engaged in Tae Kwon Do for a couple of years before he went in Thai boxing. Asfor Maria, she had liked Kung Fu but always wanted to try some martial arts.
They visit different gyms but Dmitry helps Maria to prepare for competitions. She has a dream tobecome a world champion. Though she'd already had a moment when she wanted to give it all up but luckily soon enough she realized how much she was missing sport.
They have been in Thai boxing for more than ten years but have never applied their skills in reallife, we hope they will never have to.
Thai boxing is becoming rather popular in Belarus these days – new schools are appearing,mainly thanks to advertising. Belorussian guys take medal places at world competitions, their results inspire more teens to come.Thai boxing is rather spectacular but too tough.
He started to show good results when he was seventeen.
In ordinary boxing a sportsman has a gradual career, he participates in fights to win his rating.Here, in Thai boxing, everything is different, these guys are simply made to enter a prize ring, even if they're not ready. Ordinary boxing is more serious,Thai boxing is more fair, as Maria says. Those who win in Thai boxing – theyreally deserve their medals. No pain no gain.
The one who wins the world or European championship gets 48 million rubles (approximately 1 million 370 thousand dollars).