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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第22章3

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Then why don’t you go and get one?“那干嘛不弄点去?”
See you later, Arthur, said Trillian.“一会儿见阿瑟。”崔莉安说道。
Something jogged Arthur’s mind, and he looked around huntedly.阿瑟脑中闪过一念。他四处望了望。
Zaphod isn’t here, is he? he said.“赞福德不在,是吗?”
See you, said Trillian firmly, later.“一会儿见。”崔莉安不容置疑地说。
Thor glared at him with hard coal-black eyes, his beard bristled, what little light was there was in the place mustered its forces briefly to glint menacingly off the horns of his helmet.托尔用他那漆黑慑人的双眼盯着阿瑟,他的胡子根根直立,一束灯光投在他头盔的角上,凶光四射。
He took Trillian’s elbow in his extremely large hand and the muscles in his upper arm moved around each other like a couple of Volkswagens parking.托尔用他无比强壮的手臂挽住崔莉安的手肘,他上臂的肌肉起伏踊动,像是几辆大众汽车停进去了似的。
He led her away.他把她带走了。
One of the interesting things about being immortal, he said, is…“说到做神仙,有一点很有趣,”他说,“就是……”
One of the interesting things about space, Arthur heard Slartibartfast saying to a large and voluminous creature who looked like someone losing a fight with a pink duvet and was gazing raptly at the old man’s deep eyes and silver beard, is how dull it is.“说到空间,有一点很有趣,”阿瑟听见司拉提巴特法斯在跟谁说话。对方是一位蓬松的庞然大物,看起来像跟粉红色羽绒被大战过一场似的。这个生物正看着老人那深邃的双眼和银色的胡须出神,“那就是,它非常无聊。”
Dull? said the creature, and blinked her rather wrinkled and bloodshot eyes.“无聊?”这个生物眨了眨眼,她的眼睛皱巴巴的,布满血丝。
Yes, said Slartibartfast, staggeringly dull. Bewilderingly so. You see, there’s so much of it and so little in it. Would you like me to quote some statistics?“是的。” 司拉提巴特法斯说,“无聊得惊人。无聊得可怕。你瞧,它是那么大,却又那么空虚。你想听我引用点数据吗?”
Er, well…“嗯,呃……”
Please, I would like to. They, too, are quite sensationally dull.“请让我引用吧,我会很乐意的。那些数据,同样无聊极了。”
I’ll come back and hear them in a moment, she said, patting him on the arm, lifted up her skirts like a hovercraft and moved off into the heaving crown.“我一会再来听吧。”她说。她拍拍老人的手臂,提起那气垫船一样的裙子,就走进了人群中。
I thought she’d never go, growled the old man. Come, Earthman…“我想她不会离开这儿的。”老人嘟哝着,“来吧,地球人。”

Then why don’t you go and get one?
See you later, Arthur, said Trillian.
Something jogged Arthur’s mind, and he looked around huntedly.
Zaphod isn’t here, is he? he said.
See you, said Trillian firmly, later.
Thor glared at him with hard coal-black eyes, his beard bristled, what little light was there was in the place mustered its forces briefly to glint menacingly off the horns of his helmet.
He took Trillian’s elbow in his extremely large hand and the muscles in his upper arm moved around each other like a couple of Volkswagens parking.
He led her away.
One of the interesting things about being immortal, he said, is…
One of the interesting things about space, Arthur heard Slartibartfast saying to a large and voluminous creature who looked like someone losing a fight with a pink duvet and was gazing raptly at the old man’s deep eyes and silver beard, is how dull it is.
Dull? said the creature, and blinked her rather wrinkled and bloodshot eyes.
Yes, said Slartibartfast, staggeringly dull. Bewilderingly so. You see, there’s so much of it and so little in it. Would you like me to quote some statistics?
Er, well…
Please, I would like to. They, too, are quite sensationally dull.
I’ll come back and hear them in a moment, she said, patting him on the arm, lifted up her skirts like a hovercraft and moved off into the heaving crown.
I thought she’d never go, growled the old man. Come, Earthman…

“是的。” 司拉提巴特法斯说,“无聊得惊人。无聊得可怕。你瞧,它是那么大,却又那么空虚。你想听我引用点数据吗?”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

helmet ['helmit]


n. 头盔,遮阳帽,盔甲

voluminous [və'lju:minəs]


adj. 卷数多的,大量的,著书多的

dull [dʌl]


adj. 呆滞的,迟钝的,无趣的,钝的,暗的

elbow ['elbəu]


n. 手肘,急弯,扶手
v. 用手肘推开,推挤

quote [kwəut]


n. 引用
v. 引述,举证,报价






