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残忍而美丽的情谊:The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(161)

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
“No,” I said. I had never in my life wanted to be away from a place as badly as I did now. “But we have to stay.”“不。”我说,有生以来,我从未有过如此强烈地想离开一个地方的渴望,“但我们必须留下来。”
Two Talibs with Kalashnikovs slung across their shoulders helped the blindfolded man from the first truck and two others helped the burqa-clad woman. The woman’s knees buckled under her and she slumped to the ground. The soldiers pulled her up and she slumped again. When they tried to lift her again, she screamed and kicked. I will never, as long as I draw breath, forget the sound of that scream. It was the cry of a wild animal trying to pry its mangled leg free from the bear trap. Two more Talibs joined in and helped force her into one of the chest-deep holes. The blindfolded man, on the other hand, quietly allowed them to lower him into the hole dug for him. Now only the accused pair’s torsos protruded from the ground.两个塔利班肩头扛着俄制步枪,将第一辆车上蒙着眼的男子揪下来,另外两个去揪穿着长袍的妇女。那个女人双膝一软,跌倒在地。士兵将她拉起来,她又跌倒。他们试图抬起她,她又叫又踢。只要我还有一口气在,就永远不会忘记那声惨叫。那是跌进陷阱的动物试图把被夹住的脚挣脱出来的惨叫。又来两个塔利班,帮着将她塞进深没胸口的洞。另外一边,蒙着眼的男子安静地让他们将他放进那个为他而掘的洞里。现在,地面上只有那对被指控的躯体突出来。
A chubby, white-bearded cleric dressed in gray garments stood near the goalposts and cleared his throat into a handheld microphone. Behind him the woman in the hole was still screaming. He recited a lengthy prayer from the Koran, his nasal voice undulating through the sudden hush of the stadium’s crowd. I remem bered something Baba had said to me a long time ago: Piss on the beards of all those self-righteous monkeys. They do nothing but thumb their rosaries and recite a book written in a tongue they don’t even understand. God help us all if Afghanistan ever falls into their hands.有个矮胖的男人站在球门附近,他胡子花白,穿着灰色教袍,对着麦克风清清喉咙。他身后那个埋在洞里的女人仍不停惨叫。他背诵了《可兰经》上某段长长的经文,体育馆里面的人群突然鸦雀无声,只有他鼻音甚重的声音抑扬顿挫。我记得很久以前,爸爸对我说过一段话:那些自以为是的猴子,应该在他们的胡子上撒尿。除了用拇指数念珠,背诵那本根本就看不懂的经书,他们什么也不会。要是阿富汗落在他们手里,我们全部人就得求真主保佑了。
When the prayer was done, the cleric cleared his throat. “Brothers and sisters!” he called, speaking in Farsi, his voice booming through the stadium. “We are here today to carry out Shari’a. We are here today to carry out justice. We are here today because the will of Allah and the word of the Prophet Muham mad, peace be upon him, are alive and well here in Afghanistan, our beloved homeland. We listen to what God says and we obey because we are nothing but humble, powerless creatures before God’s greatness. And what does God say? I ask you! WHAT DOES GOD SAY? God says that every sinner must be punished in a manner befitting his sin. Those are not my words, nor the words of my brothers. Those are the words of GOD!” He pointed with his free hand to the sky. My head was pounding and the sun felt much too hot.当祷告结束,教士清清喉咙。“各位兄弟姐妹!”他用法尔西语说,声音响彻整个体育馆,“今天,我们在这里执行伊斯兰教法。今天,我们在这里秉持正义。今天,我们在这里,是出于安拉的意愿,也是因为先知穆罕默德的指示,愿他安息,在阿富汗,我们深爱的家园,依然存在,得到弘扬。我们倾听真主的意旨,我们服从他,因为我们什么也不是,在伟大的真主面前,我们只是卑微的、无力的造物。而真主说过什么?我问你们!真主说过什么?真主说,对每种罪行,都应量刑,给予恰如其分的惩罚。这不是我说的,也不是我的兄弟说的。这是真主说的!”他那空出来的手指向天空。
“Every sinner must be punished in a manner befitting his sin!” the cleric repeated into the mike, lowering his voice, enunciating each word slowly, dramatically. “And what manner of punishment, brothers and sisters, befits the adulterer? How shall we punish those who dishonor the sanctity of marriage? How shall we deal with those who spit in the face of God? How shall we answer those who throw stones at the windows of God’s house? WE SHALL THROW THE STONES BACK!” He shut off the microphone. A low-pitched murmur spread through the crowd. Next to me, Farid was shaking his head. “And they call themselves Muslims,” he whispered.Then a tall, broad-shouldered man stepped out of the pickup truck. The sight of him drew cheers from a few spectators. This time, no one was struck with a whip for cheering too loudly. The tall man’s sparkling white garment glimmered in the afternoon sun. The hem of his loose shirt fluttered in the breeze, his arms spread like those of Jesus on the cross. He greeted the crowd by turning slowly in a full circle. When he faced our section, I saw he was wearing dark round sunglasses like the ones John Lennon wore.我脑里嗡嗡响,觉得阳光太过毒辣了。“对每种罪行,都应量刑,给予恰如其分的惩罚!”教士对着麦克风,放低声音,慢慢地、一字一句地、紧张地重复了一遍。“各位兄弟姐妹,对于通奸,应该处以什么样的刑罚?对于这些亵渎了婚姻的神圣的人,我们应该怎么处置?我们该怎么对待这些在真主脸上吐口水的人?若有人朝真主房间的窗丢石头,我们应该有什么反应?我们应该把石头丢回去!”他关掉麦克风。低沉的议论声在人群中迅速传开。我身边的法里德摇摇头,“他们也配称穆斯林。”他低声说。接着,有个肩膀宽大的高个子男人从皮卡车走出来。他的出现在围观人群中引起了几声欢呼。这一次,没有人会用鞭子抽打喊得太大声的人。高个子男人穿着光鲜的白色服装,在午后的阳光下闪闪发光。他的衬衣露在外面,下摆在和风中飘动。他像耶稣那样张开双臂,慢慢转身一圈,向人群致意。他的脸转向我们这边时,我看见他戴着黑色的太阳镜,很像约翰?列农戴的那副。
“That must be our man,” Farid said.“他一定就是我们要找的人。”

“No,” I said. I had never in my life wanted to be away from a place as badly as I did now. “But we have to stay.”
Two Talibs with Kalashnikovs slung across their shoulders helped the blindfolded man from the first truck and two others helped the burqa-clad woman. The woman’s knees buckled under her and she slumped to the ground. The soldiers pulled her up and she slumped again. When they tried to lift her again, she screamed and kicked. I will never, as long as I draw breath, forget the sound of that scream. It was the cry of a wild animal trying to pry its mangled leg free from the bear trap. Two more Talibs joined in and helped force her into one of the chest-deep holes. The blindfolded man, on the other hand, quietly allowed them to lower him into the hole dug for him. Now only the accused pair’s torsos protruded from the ground.
A chubby, white-bearded cleric dressed in gray garments stood near the goalposts and cleared his throat into a handheld microphone. Behind him the woman in the hole was still screaming. He recited a lengthy prayer from the Koran, his nasal voice undulating through the sudden hush of the stadium’s crowd. I remem bered something Baba had said to me a long time ago: Piss on the beards of all those self-righteous monkeys. They do nothing but thumb their rosaries and recite a book written in a tongue they don’t even understand. God help us all if Afghanistan ever falls into their hands.
When the prayer was done, the cleric cleared his throat. “Brothers and sisters!” he called, speaking in Farsi, his voice booming through the stadium. “We are here today to carry out Shari’a. We are here today to carry out justice. We are here today because the will of Allah and the word of the Prophet Muham mad, peace be upon him, are alive and well here in Afghanistan, our beloved homeland. We listen to what God says and we obey because we are nothing but humble, powerless creatures before God’s greatness. And what does God say? I ask you! WHAT DOES GOD SAY? God says that every sinner must be punished in a manner befitting his sin. Those are not my words, nor the words of my brothers. Those are the words of GOD!” He pointed with his free hand to the sky. My head was pounding and the sun felt much too hot.
“Every sinner must be punished in a manner befitting his sin!” the cleric repeated into the mike, lowering his voice, enunciating each word slowly, dramatically. “And what manner of punishment, brothers and sisters, befits the adulterer? How shall we punish those who dishonor the sanctity of marriage? How shall we deal with those who spit in the face of God? How shall we answer those who throw stones at the windows of God’s house? WE SHALL THROW THE STONES BACK!” He shut off the microphone. A low-pitched murmur spread through the crowd. Next to me, Farid was shaking his head. “And they call themselves Muslims,” he whispered.Then a tall, broad-shouldered man stepped out of the pickup truck. The sight of him drew cheers from a few spectators. This time, no one was struck with a whip for cheering too loudly. The tall man’s sparkling white garment glimmered in the afternoon sun. The hem of his loose shirt fluttered in the breeze, his arms spread like those of Jesus on the cross. He greeted the crowd by turning slowly in a full circle. When he faced our section, I saw he was wearing dark round sunglasses like the ones John Lennon wore.
“That must be our man,” Farid said.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

thumb [θʌm]


n. 拇指
v. 翻阅,示意要求搭车

scream [skri:m]


n. 尖叫声
v. 尖叫,大笑

garment ['gɑ:mənt]


n. 衣服
vt. 给 ... 披上衣服,覆上

murmur ['mə:mə]


n. 低语,低声的抱怨,[医]心区杂音

trap [træp]


n. 圈套,陷阱,困境,双轮轻便马车
v. 设

humble ['hʌmbl]


adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的
vt. 使

prophet ['prɔfit]


n. 预言者,先知,提倡者

sin [sin]


n. 原罪
v. 犯罪,违反(教规)

lengthy ['leŋθi]


adj. 冗长的,漫长的





