6.《天使与魔鬼》 (2000)
"Angels and Demons" is a 2000 best-selling mystery-thriller novel written by Dan Brown. Robert Langdon discovered a brotherhood called Illuminati. This anti-Christ underground movement creates a viral frenzy in the Vatican City, coinciding with the murder of a physicist, the death of the pope and the abduction of four cardinals. The Illuminati threatened to kill each cardinal every hour and then put the Vatican City to dust with the antimatter. Robert Langdon, a religious symbologist together with Vittoria, a scientist, raced against time to unravel the clues and discover where the destructive weapon was hidden. The two heroes, Vittoria being the researcher of the dangerous prototype of the antimatter and Robert being an expert tour guide must travel throughout Rome to discover the horrific truth behind the Illuminati's wrath in merely 4 hours.
《天使与魔鬼》这本书是2000年畅销推理惊悚小说,作者是丹·布朗(Dan Brown)。罗伯特·兰登(Robert Langdon)发现了一个名为“光照派”的组织,这个反基督的教派在梵蒂冈秘密研制出了病毒,就在这时一名物理学家被谋杀,教皇去世,四名红衣主教被绑架,而光照派威胁每过一小时就要杀死一名红衣主教,然后用反物质将梵蒂冈化为灰烬。符号学家罗伯特·兰登是一个虔诚的信徒。他与科学家维多利亚一起与时间赛跑,通过蛛丝马迹找到被藏起来的危险武器。这是两位英雄,维多利亚负责找到危险的反物质,罗伯特负责通过线索寻路,二人要在仅有的四个小时内在罗马找出光照派愤怒的真相。