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来源:英语点津 编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
June 1 is Children's Day, a day to honor children globally. One of the ways to bring our children happiness is by giving them books as gift. A good read could help encourage children to turn off the TV or ditch the computer games, and experience fantastic adventures. Below is a small selection of children's books that are perfect for reading on this occasion.The author of The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, once said, "I want to dedicate this book to the child whom this grown-up once was. All grown-ups were children first. (But few of them remember it.)” Thus the recommended books could also be presents for those who are young at heart .


Charlotte's Web



Charlotte's Web is a classic of children's literature by American author E. B. White, published in 1952. The novel tells a tender story of friendship, love, life and death. A pig named Wilbur has built a friendship with a barn spider named Charlotte. When Wilbur is in danger of being slaughtered by the farmer, Charlotte writes messages in her web praising Wilbur to persuade the farmer to let him live.

《夏洛特的网》是美国作家E. B.怀特的经典儿童文学著作,于1952年出版。这本小说讲述的是一个关于友情、爱、生命和死亡的故事。一只名叫威尔伯的小猪和一只名叫夏洛特的蜘蛛建立起了友谊。当威尔伯面临被农夫屠宰的命运时,夏洛特在她的网上写下讯息,鼓励威尔伯说服农夫让自己活下来。




