Just when business school deans thought it was safe to step back into the executive education market, they are discovering demand for these short, non-degree programmes is not as straightforward as they had believed.
Strategy consultancies such as Bain and Boston Consulting Group have long been executive education providers, but now publishing companies, technology start-ups and recruitment consultancies are circling in an attempt to land chunks of a global market worth in excess of $70bn a year.
贝恩咨询(Bain & Co)和波士顿咨询集团(BCG)等战略咨询公司一直以来都是高管教育的提供者,但现在出版公司、初创科技公司和招聘咨询公司都在伺机进入这个每年价值超过700亿美元的全球市场。
In some cases, the new entrants have arrived through acquisitions — LinkedIn, the professional networking site, for example, recently bought Lynda.com, the training company. Others have arisen through alliances, such as the Financial Times’ partnership with Spain’s IE Business School to deliver corporate programmes.
在某些情况下,新入行者是通过收购进入这个市场的——比如职业社交网站领英(LinkedIn)最近收购了在线培训公司Lynda.com。其他新入行者则通过联盟进入该市场,比如英国《金融时报》与西班牙企业商学院(IE Business School)合作推出企业项目。
For the educational technology companies, it is a case of building on their existing businesses. “We are beginning to see the emergence of edtech-driven, venture capital-funded start-ups that believe edtech [the use of technology in teaching] is the driver of executive education,” says Mike Malefakis, associate dean for executive education at Columbia Business School in New York.
对于教育科技公司来说,涉足高管教育意味着在现有业务的基础上发展。“我们开始看到由教育科技(edtech,在教学中运用技术)驱动、风险投资资助的初创企业出现,这些企业相信教育科技是高管教育的驱动力,”纽约哥伦比亚商学院(Columbia Business School)主管高管教育的副院长迈克尔•马莱法基斯(Michael Malefakis)表示。
The recruitment agencies too, faced with the erosion of their customer base by sites such as LinkedIn, are building assessment tools and skills training into their services to corporate clients.
But the competition does not stop there, says MIT Sloan dean David Schmittlein. The number of business schools entering the executive education space is increasing, especially young, up-and-coming ones. “How much of it is because of a more stable economic environment and how much because of spare human capital as MBA numbers are down [is unclear].”
但麻省理工斯隆管理学院(MIT Sloan)院长戴维•施米特莱因(David Schmittlein)说,竞争还不止这些。进入高管教育领域的商学院数量正在上升,尤其是那些建立不久、正崭露头角的商学院。“就此而言,有多少是因为经济环境更为稳定,有多少是因为MBA课程入学人数减少所致的富余人力资本,(尚不清楚)。”
There is even competition from closer to home — from universities’ continuing education divisions, law schools, medical schools and engineering schools, says Prof Schmittlein. As subjects such as leadership creep on to the agenda of engineering schools, for example, “these will [begin to] look even more like management education institutions”.
What is more, companies that traditionally have been the customers of business schools are setting up corporate universities, often with the help of schools and cherry-picked professors.
“More and more we are being asked to help companies build their internal capabilities,” says David Altman, executive vice-president for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at the US-headquartered Center for Creative Leadership, a not-for-profit research organisation and education provider. “Big companies are calling them academies, while others are saying they want to build their own internal capabilities.”
“越来越多的企业请求我们帮助它们构建内部能力,”总部设在美国的非营利研究组织、教育提供者创新领导力中心(Center for Creative Leadership)主管欧洲、中东和非洲业务的执行副总裁戴维•奥尔特曼(David Altman)说,“大公司将其称之为学院,而其他公司则表示它们希望构建自身的内部能力。”
Trends that began before the financial crisis are continuing, such as corporate demand for shorter courses. The trend for companies to eschew open-enrolment courses in favour of ones designed for a single company has accelerated, as has the need for programmes that award a certificate or diploma, which can often be credited towards a degree.
Demand for certification is very important in Asia, says Guy Saunders, associate dean for executive education at Melbourne Business School in Australia. He believes all schools could eventually allow short courses to be credited towards a degree. “My sense is that the wall is cracking in the big schools too.”
墨尔本商学院(Melbourne Business School)负责高管教育的副院长盖伊•桑德斯(Guy Saunders)表示,在亚洲,对证书的需求非常重要。他认为所有商学院最终都会允许将短期课程计入学位课程的学分。“我的感觉是,大牌商学院的高墙也在出现裂缝。”
The demand to prove return on investment — a thorny concept in the context of education — is also back on the agenda. Josep Valor, academic director of customised programmes at Iese Business School in Spain, which topped the FT’s customised executive education rankings this year, says there are ways to measure this through executive promotion.
对证明投资回报的要求——这在教育领域是一个棘手的问题——也重新提上了议程。领衔今年英国《金融时报》定制高管教育排行榜的西班牙Iese商学院(Iese Business School)定制课程教务主任何塞普•巴洛尔(Josep Valor)介绍说,有几种通过高管的晋升来衡量投资回报的方式。
He cites the example of Oracle, the software group, where Iese runs a programme for senior managers with Michigan Ross business school. Oracle judges the success of the programme by the number of people who go on to become vice-presidents in the company.
巴洛尔引用了软件集团甲骨文(Oracle)的例子。Iese商学院和密歇根大学罗斯商学院(Michigan Ross)合作为甲骨文的高管举办了一个课程。甲骨文依据课程参与者晋升为公司副总裁的数量来判断该项目成功与否。
“Companies are looking for value for money and can see [we offer that] because we can prove we have successful programmes that address their challenges,” says Prof Valor. “We do not know how to solve their problems — they know how to solve their problems. We help them think about how to solve their problems better.”
Asia, Africa and the Middle East are proving to be the growth markets for executive education in 2015. Demand is biggest in Asia for cross-cultural leadership and for training managers to run subsidiaries outside the region.
Demand from China in particular for executive programmes has rebounded, says Kai Peters, chief executive of the UK’s Ashridge Business School, which along with other schools has trained Chinese government officials. In the Middle East and Africa, the demand is for developing younger leaders.
英国阿什里奇商学院(Ashridge Business School)首席执行官卡伊•彼得斯(Kai Peters)表示,中国对高管课程项目的需求再度升温。该校与其他商学院合作培训中国的政府官员。中东和非洲的需求则是培养更年轻的领导者。
In the US and Europe, demand is increasingly sophisticated, says Mike Canning, chief executive of Duke Corporate Education, part of Duke University in the US. “It is no longer about filling knowledge gaps. It is about rewiring, [which] is not about knowing something, but making sense of things for which we have no model.”
在美国和欧洲,据美国杜克大学(Duke University)下属杜克企业教育学院(Duke Corporate Education)的首席执行官迈克•坎宁(Mike Canning)介绍,需求正变得日益复杂。“不再仅仅是关于填补知识空白。也要‘重新布线’,这意味着,与其说要了解某事物,不如说要弄清楚我们没有现成模型的事物。”
The use of online technology is also on the rise. This year, half of Columbia’s executive education participants will be distance-learners. Although demand for campus-based programmes shows modest growth, “online has mushroomed into the growth engine of enrolment”, says Malefakis. Columbia’s two online programmes that replicate traditional programmes have not cannibalised their campus equivalents, he adds.
“One of the real keys as to why online is growing is not just the price point but the opportunity cost for both learners and faculty.” Online students can study at their own convenience, in the evenings and at weekends, he points out. “Learning has become 24/7.”
That said, the main challenge may not come from the rise of technology or increased competition from consulting and publishers, says Dominique Turpin, president of IMD business school in Switzerland. The dearth of academics who can teach executives is the biggest threat, he says.
话虽如此,瑞士国际管理发展学院(IMD)院长多米尼克•图尔平(Dominique Turpin)认为,主要挑战或许并不在于技术崛起,或者来自咨询与出版机构的竞争加剧。他表示,最大的威胁是缺少能给高管讲课的教员。
“The only way we can survive is to be innovative and relevant. You have to be close to the client,” he says. “If you ask the board members of IMD what worries them, it is where to get the faculty.”