Chinese investments now support about 80,000 full-time jobs in the US, a fivefold increase in the past five years and an apparent reversal following decades of American complaints over manufacturing jobs being outsourced to China.
Chinese companies have invested $46bn in the US since 2000, most of it in the past five years, according to a study this week by US research company Rhodium Group, sponsored by the National Committee on US-China Relations.
根据美国研究公司荣鼎咨询(Rhodium Group)本周发布的一份研究报告,2000年以来,中国企业已在美国投资460亿美元,其中多数投资都发生在过去5年。荣鼎咨询这项研究,得到了美中关系全国委员会(National Committee on US-China Relations)的支持。

The study predicts Chinese investment in the US could increase to between $100bn and $200bn by 2020, creating 200,000-400,000 jobs.
Chinese investment has been controversial in some sectors, including those with potential military applications, and many US politicians have warned that Chinese investors would take advantage of far cheaper labour in China and transfer jobs back there.
But the report found many investments saved target companies from bankruptcy, most acquisitions led to expansion and examples of downsizing were rare.
It also found a significant acceleration in Chinese investments in US manufacturing and service sector projects in the past 18 months.
“While [80,000 jobs] is still modest compared with the total number of jobs provided by foreign firms, it is significant growth from less than 15,000 jobs five years ago,” the report said. “Fears that Chinese acquirers could systematically move acquired assets and related jobs back to China have not materialised.”
The study provided a detailed analysis of Chinese investment by congressional district and found Chinese investors had established nearly 1,600 businesses across the country by the end of last year.
By state, the biggest recipients of Chinese investment were California, Texas, Illinois, New York and North Carolina, where Chinese investment accounted for 15,000 jobs.
North Carolina is home to Smithfield Foods, which was bought in 2013 by Chinese meat producer Shuanghui Group, and the state also serves as a US base for Beijing-headquartered computer group Lenovo, which bought IBM’s personal computer business in 2005.
北卡罗来纳州是史密斯菲尔德食品公司(Smithfield Foods)的所在地,该公司于2013年被中国肉制品生产商双汇集团(Shuanghui Group)收购。此外,该州还是总部驻北京的计算机集团联想公司(Lenovo)在美国的基地。2005年,联想收购了IBM的个人电脑(PC)部门。
The current level of Chinese direct investment in the US is roughly on a par with that of Japanese companies in the 1980s, the report says.
When Japan faced rising opposition to its imports and investment it ordered its giant car companies to localise production in the US in order to create jobs and neutralise political opposition to soaring Japanese imports.
Some influential voices are calling for greater Chinese investment in the US economy.
In an article in the June edition of The Atlantic magazine, former US Treasury Secretaries Henry Paulson and Robert Rubin argue that Chinese investment in America’s creaking infrastructure should be welcomed and facilitated.
在今年6月《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)刊登的一篇文章中,美国前财长亨利保尔森(Henry Paulson)及罗伯特脠宾(Robert Rubin)声称,美国应欢迎并协助中国投资于前者破败的基础设施。