9. Otto Von Bismarck
9. 奥托·冯·俾斯麦(Otto Von Bismarck)
Jelly-filled doughnuts (with no doughnut hole) originated in Germany, where they were traditionally eaten to celebrate New Year's Eve and the carnival days before Lent (Rose Monday and Shrove Tuesday). They're usually frosted with icing, topped with whipped cream, or sprinkled with sugar. The filling could actually be jelly, jam, chocolate, custard, or something else.
果酱甜甜圈(Jelly-filled doughnuts)原产于德国,是一种在欢庆新年除夕与大斋节(Lent)前狂欢时吃的传统甜点(译注:大斋节,自圣灰星期天开始至复活节前的40天,在此期间进行斋戒和忏悔)。通常,甜甜圈表面会裹上糖衣,淋上些许奶油,再撒上白糖。而甜滋滋的果酱、巧克力、蛋奶糊等都可作为酱心原料。
German immigrants brought many of their traditions to North America, including the jelly-filled doughnut. Some North Americans call them Bismarcks (or Bismarks). Other North Americans call them jelly doughnuts or jam busters. There's no known record of how the word Bismarck was first applied to the snack, but Otto von Bismarck was a world-renowned German in the 1800s. He was first Chancellor of Germany, and many American things were named after him, including the capital of North Dakota.
德国移民者移居北美时带了许多本国的传统习俗,其中也包括果酱甜甜圈。有的北美人称其为俾斯麦(Bismarcks),而有的人就直呼果酱甜甜圈或果酱饼。虽然为何以俾斯麦命名这种甜点已无证考究。可是,奥托·冯·俾斯麦(Otto Von Bismarck)乃19世纪名震天下的日耳曼人,德意志帝国史上首位宰相,并且许多美国的地名、物名等都以俾斯麦冠名,其中就包括美国北达科州(North Dakota)的首府。
There's also an entirely different food known as a Bismarck! That would be the Dutch baby pancake, a sweet, light, hollow roll (popover) normally served at breakfast. Despite their name, they were invented by a restaurant in Seattle.
还有一种有与之完全不同的食物被称作俾斯麦的!那就是作为普通早点的荷兰小煎饼 (the Dutch baby pancake),一种味道香甜,口感薄脆,呈空心卷状的淡烤酥饼。名虽如此,但此饼却是由西雅图的一家餐厅发明的。