8. Ah Bing
Ah Bing was born in Manchuria, China in the first half of the 19th century. He eventually traveled to America and around 1855 he found work in the orchards of the Lewelling family near Milwaukie, Oregon. Over time, he became a foreman, overseeing 30 other workers.
阿兵出生于19世纪上半叶的中国满洲,后来他前往美国,大约1855年的时候他在莱韦灵家族靠近俄勒冈州密尔沃基市(Milwaukie, Oregon)的果园找到了一份工作。随着时间的推移,他成为了果园的领班,带领着30个工人。
Seth Lewelling, the brother of the original orchard founder, was a horticulturist who was very good at developing new varieties of cherry. In 1860, he grew the first Black Republican cherry tree (the name sounds strange now, but meant something different then). In 1875, a Black Republican planting produced a promising seedling—the cherries were so big that some people mistook them for crabapples! Seth named the new variety the Bing cherry, after his foreman.
赛斯·莱韦灵(Seth Lewelling)是果园最初创始人的兄弟,也是一位擅长培育新品种樱桃树的园艺家。他于1860年培育了第一棵黑共和党樱桃树(名字听起来很奇怪吧!但是却有不同的意义在里面)。在1875年,这种黑共和党樱桃树结出了一批前景很好的果实——结出的樱桃太大了以至于有人将其误认为是山楂!赛斯采用了领班的名字Bing来命名这种新的樱桃,将其称作“冰”樱桃。
Over time, the Bing cherry became very popular, and it's still the most produced variety of sweet cherry in the USA. In 1889, Ah Bing returned to China to visit his family. The US government's Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 prevented him from returning to America.