JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon regained the title of the world’s best-paid bank chief executive last year, and has now topped the table in three of the past five years.
摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)首席执行官杰米•戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)去年重夺全球薪资最高的银行CEO这一头衔。在过去5年中,他有3年位居该排行榜榜首。

Mr Dimon’s return to first place in the global banking pay leagues with $27.6m comes as new data, compiled by research firm Equilar for the Financial Times, show that the men who run 15 of the world’s biggest banks took home an average of $14.5m last year, up 17 per cent from their 2013 haul.
The JPMorgan chief displaced Goldman Sachs’ Lloyd Blankfein at the top of the league in a year when 40 per cent of JPMorgan shareholders voted against the bank’s pay plan in May.
戴蒙取代高盛(Goldman Sachs)首席执行官劳埃德•贝兰克梵(Lloyd Blankfein)夺冠。今年5月,有40%的摩根大通股东投票反对该银行去年的薪资计划。
Mr Blankfein fell to third place as he was also overtaken by James Gorman, Morgan Stanley’s chief executive.
贝兰克梵排名第三,摩根士丹利首席执行官詹姆斯•戈尔曼(James Gorman)位居第二。
Mr Dimon’s pay more than doubled year on year while Mr Gorman’s was up 66 per cent. Mr Blankfein enjoyed a more modest increase of 11 per cent.
The totals for all bank leaders include salaries, cash bonuses, stock awards and some other benefits. Stock awards take years to vest and so the ultimate value of their packages could rise or fall depending on how their banks’ shares fare.