In the manuals of corporate dress codes, a woman's handbag rarely merits a mention. Yet the purse a woman carries to work is much more than a place to hold a hairbrush. A purse can send a signal about its owner's character, says Monica Botkier, a New York-based handbag designer. 'The bag tells a lot,' she says. 'When I read a woman, I read her bag. It's a little Rorschach test.'
公司着装手册中很少会提及女性手袋。但女性上班时携带的手袋远不只是一个放发梳的地方。纽约手袋设计师莫妮卡•柏柯尔(Monica Botkier)说,手袋能够传达有关主人个性的信息。她说,“包能告诉人们很多东西。我会通过包来了解一位女性。这就像一个小小的罗夏墨迹测试(Rorschach test)。”