Zhang Qian(?——114 B. C.),born in Chenggu(present-day Chenggu county,Shaanxi Province),was a famous explorer and imperial diplomat during the period referred to as the Western Han Dynasty.
In 139 B. C.,Zhang Qian was dispatched by Emperor Wudi to the Western Regions to seek a military alliance with the Greater Yuezhi (modern Tajikistan),with the intent to execute a cooperative attack against the Xiongnu tribes. It took Zhang Qian 13 years to reach the Gui River where the people of the Greater Yuezhi lived.
公元前139年,汉武帝与大月氏相约联合夹攻匈奴,派张骞西去联络。张骞抵达大月氏所居妫水(今中亚阿姆河), 13年已经过去了。

On route he was captured twice by the Xiongnu and detained for over ten years. During his detention he married a Xiongnu woman and with her had a son,but his loyalty to the Han emperor never wavered.
When Zhang Qian finally reached the Yuezhi lands,he found that the population too satisfied by their status and would not wage a war against the Xiongnu.
Although the main objective of his expedition was not achieved,he documented the cultures and lifestyles of the peoples of the Western Regions,and for the first time,the Chinese emperor was informed about India,the Middle East and even some European countries.
In 123 B. C.,Zhang Qian followed General Wei Qing in a major military raid against the Xiongnu. His guidance led to a number of victories,which succeeded in ending the harassment by the Xiongnu of the Han Dynasty. Zhang Qian was therefore conferred the title of Marquis of Bowang.
In 119 B. C.,he led a second expedition to the Western Regions and returned triumphantly with western envoys four years later. Zhang Qian's unprecedented expeditions heralded the establishment of the “Silk Road",which fostered the commercial and cultural exchanges between the East and the West.
公元前119年,张骞再次出使西域。4年后,张骞带着乌孙等国几十名使者回到长安(今西安),完成了通西域的空前壮举。张骞经过的路线,大体也就是著名的古代中西商业与文化交流通道 “丝绸之路”。