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征收糖税有用吗 Sugar tax argument fails

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

There is an unpalatable truth about the foods we crave: they are generally bad for us. Our evolutionary history has left us longing for sugars and fats, exactly the sort of energy-dense substances that stopped our ancestors from starving in lean times.


Those ingredients, now cheap and plentiful, are fuelling a worldwide rise in obesity and type 2 diabetes. The issue resurfaced in the UK last week with the publication of a report into public health, and on childhood obesity in particular. Now a bitter war has broken out between politicians and health experts on the merits of a tax on high sugar products such as soft drinks. I can understand the clamour — and such a move may shock us into cutting consumption — but a sugar tax does not quite hit the sweet spot.


In a high-income country, a levy substantial enough to deter abusers is likely to be unfair on those who exercise restraint. But it would also see the government flexing its fiscal muscles over an ingredient that is neither poisonous nor addictive; crowd out discussion of other undesirables such as saturated fats and salt; absolve manufacturers of the need to change their products; and, most worryingly, convey the impression that government can exonerate consumers from personal responsibility.


The World Health Organisation recommends that adults and children derive no more than 5 per cent of their total energy intake from free sugars (these include glucose, fructose, table sugar and those in honey, syrups and fruit juices, added by manufacturers or consumers). That amounts to six teaspoons daily, less than is found in most cans of fizzy pop.


Britons do a bad job of sticking to this: free sugars account for up to 15 per cent of the average person’s energy intake. Public health messages — as well as hollow industry pledges on reformulation — have failed to slim down that statistic. The report from Public Health England urged the following: banning supermarket promotions; reformulation (a tactic that worked for salt) and portion size reduction; restricting aggressive marketing; clear labelling; and removing the worst products from hospitals. But its suggestion of a 10-20 per cent excise tax was rejected by Prime Minister David Cameron.

在遵守这条规则方面,英国人做得并不好:游离糖摄入量占人均热量摄入的比例高达15%。公共健康讯息——以及行业对于修改配方虚情假意的承诺——未能降低这个数字。英国公共卫生(Public Health England)的报告敦促人们采取下列行动:禁止超市促销活动;修改配方(这一策略在控制盐分摄入方面奏效了)、减少份量;限制积极营销;明确标识;让含糖量最高的一些产品在医院绝迹。但报告提出的征收10%-20%特种消费行为税(excise tax)的建议被首相戴维愠蕓伦(David Cameron)拒绝。

If we still eat too much sugar despite knowing the risks, does that mean it is addictive? An EU-funded study on the neurobiology of eating put paid to that idea last year: sugar does not elicit the same neurological high as heroin or cocaine. The NeuroFAST consortium concluded that overeating was a behavioural addiction rather than a substance-based one. And while sugar is harmful when consumed to excess, it is clearly not a poison in the same way that nicotine and alcohol are.


If sugar is neither intrinsically toxic nor addictive, an alternative justification for a tax is that the ends justify the means. In which case, does it work? A meta-analysis published in 2013 concluded that a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) — in Mexico, some US states, Brazil and France — had cut demand for both sugary and diet drinks. This is encouraging but the effects on body weight, the key metric, are very modest, possibly because fizzy drinks are swapped for equally calorific fruit juices. It is possible that Britons would fare better but, for now, an SSB levy looks like tinkering around the edges.


We may also ask: why target only sugary drinks when we also gorge on sweets, chocolates, cakes, takeaways and booze? The food and drinks industry is absolutely guilty of peddling us products we do not need but that is true of most commerce. Meanwhile, the trickier issue of personal responsibility remains unaddressed. The singular focus on a sugar tax risks distracting us from thinking more intelligently about how to square our ancient cravings with modern life: eat less, eat better, drink more water and get off the sofa.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
levy ['levi]


n. 征税,召集
vt. 征收,发动(战争

plentiful ['plentifəl]


adj. 丰富的,多的,充裕的

alcohol ['ælkəhɔl]


n. 酒精,乙醇,酒

hollow ['hɔləu]


n. 洞,窟窿,山谷
adj. 空的,虚伪的,

alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv]


adj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的

commerce ['kɔmə:s]


n. 商业,贸易

addiction [ə'dikʃən]


n. 沉溺,上瘾

intrinsically [in'trinsikəli]


adv. 本质地;内在地;固有地

poisonous ['pɔizənəs]


adj. 有毒的,恶意的

nicotine ['nikəti:n]


n. 尼古丁


关键字: 糖税 美国税务




