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5.Check Your Baggage at the Door

A first date is a time for starting anew. That means that you should check your baggage at the door and avoid talking about your past relationships. Everyone has a past that is filled with regret, heartache, anger, and plenty of "what-ifs". However, there is a reason that you are on a date with someone new, and unless you want to repeat your old patterns, you need to start with a clean slate.


Don't go into your date harboring assumptions based on past relationships. In your past, you may have dated needy people, or controlling people, or people who refuse to grow up, or people who run from commitment. It's important to understand that these characteristics are not indicative of the opposite sex as a whole. If you are harboring any pre-conceived notions of the opposite sex then try your best to let them go. Greet the person sitting across from you at your first date with open eyes, open ears and an open heart. Don't let your pre-conceived notions sabotage what could potentially be a great relationship. Most importantly, when on a first date, do not spend time talking about your ex. We repeat: do not talk about your ex. There is no quicker way to derail a date than by talking about your past relationships. Particularly if you are still hung up on certain aspects of that relationship, you will begin over-sharing before you know it. Your date may begin to see you as bitter and filled with resentment, neither of which are endearing qualities in a person. Worse yet, your date may believe that you are still in love with your ex and be left wondering why you came on a date with them in the first place.


4.Save the Future Talk for the Future



While we don't condone reliving you past on a first date, we also strongly advise against planning for your future! Dates should be light and fun, and a first date is definitely not the time to start talking about your future together. Even if deep down both of you actually want the same thing out of a relationship, by stating those intentions too early you will only scare the other person off. It's great if you want to find a soulmate, but don't assume that the person sitting next to you is necessarily him or her just because you happen to have the same taste in music or like the same movies. You need to spend time getting to know each other to understand if you're well-suited to build a life together, and that doesn't magically happen overnight. Take the time to get to know each other slowly, and save the serious stuff for later dates.

It's perfectly fine to know that you want to have a large family someday, but don't ask your first date how many children they want to have. As the old saying goes, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." Speaking of chickens, ladies, don't ever mention your eggs on a first date. The absolute quickest way to scare off a man on a first date is by telling him that your biological clock is ticking or that your eggs aren't getting any younger. Please, leave the baby talk out of the conversation. On your first date, do your best to stay present in the moment and focus on the now. If there is a mutual connection between the two of you, then your relationship will progress naturally and you'll know when the right time is to discuss your possible future together. Trust us, the first date is too early to have this discussion.

3.Hide your Vices (and Devices)



There are certain things that you should avoid on a first date. First off, avoid drinking too much. If you have a penchant for tequila, avoid the margaritas before you end up tossing back too many. Stick to one or two drinks for the night, because nobody wants to be on a date with a sloppy drunk. A couple of drinks to help you to relax and socialize is okay, but don't drink so much that your inhibitions are lowered.

If smoking is a vice, try to curb the habit for the duration of the date. If you must smoke, go to a far-away outdoor location so that you don't make your date uncomfortable, and be sure to have gum or mints on hand. If your vice is constantly checking your e-mail or social media accounts, then be sure to leave your phone in the car. It is extremely rude to be constantly checking your phone on a first date. It makes you distracted and leaves your date feeling unimportant. Even if you're just trying to text your friend to tell them how well the date is going, save it for when you get home. While on a date, you should focus all of your attention on your companion. Keep your phone in your purse or in your pocket, and if the temptation is still too much, keep it at home or in the car.

2.Be Your Best Self



The most important tip for any first date is to be yourself. Authenticity is the most important thing you can offer if you want to truly allow someone to get to know you. How else will you know if you are a good match with someone unless you are truthful and genuine about who you are?

While it's important to be yourself on a first date, you should strive to be the best version of yourself. Humans are complex and we experience many different emotions at the same time. It's up to you on a first date to put your best foot forward and let your positive emotions shine through. Dates are meant to be fun, spontaneous and playful. They are not meant to be filled with drama and complaints, so regardless of how bad your day or week has been, don't let it show. Don't arrive at a date worried, tired, serious, sad or apathetic. Instead, find your inner happiness and peacefulness and exude confidence. Be your most charming self, and your date will look forward to spending more time with you.

1.Make Concrete Plans for a Second Date



Assuming you've followed the tips laid out above and have enjoyed each other's time together, then you will likely be on track to set up a second date. Don't let an innate fear of rejection stop you from asking for a second date. Don't beat around the bush and try to fish out a response before you actually ask the question. Dropping subtle hints is the least effective way to show someone that you like them. This isn't the fifth grade anymore, and playing hard to get is no longer cute. When asking for a second date, be direct. People have been shown to be more responsive to direct questions, so instead of making tentative plans, say something like, "I've had a really great time with you. Can I take you out again on Friday?" This directness works equally well for women as it does for men, as you can read about in this study at ScienceDirect.

如果你遵循了前面的指南,两个人也享受彼此在一起的时光,那么你该为再次约会做好计划了。你可千万别让担心被拒绝的恐惧成为你提出第二次约会邀请的阻碍,而且不要拐弯抹角,也别试图去猜测她对邀请可能做出的回应。你可不是五年级学生,再没有比微妙的暗示更糟糕的表白了,欲擒故纵的方式从来都不可爱,尝试直截了当地邀请她再次约会吧。《Science Direct》的研究表明无论男女都更愿意回应直截了当的问题而不是试探性的计划。你应该这么跟她说:春风十里不如她,周五我们再約吗?

审校:晃晃 编辑:旭旭 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

tentative ['tentətiv]


adj. 试验性质的,暂时的,犹豫不决的

genuine ['dʒenjuin]


adj. 真正的,真实的,真诚的

overnight ['əuvə'nait]


n. 前晚
adj. 通宵的,晚上的,前夜的<

commitment [kə'mitmənt]


n. 承诺,保证; 确定,实行

apathetic [.æpə'θetik]


adj. 缺乏感情的,缺乏兴趣的,无动于衷的,冷淡的

authenticity [,ɔ:θen'tisəti]


n. 真实性,确实性;可靠性

temptation [temp'teiʃən]


n. 诱惑,引诱

sloppy ['slɔpi]


adj. 被泼水弄湿的,泥泞的,多阴雨的

truthful ['tru:θfəl]


adj. 诚实的,真实的





