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中英双语话历史 第71期:宋及并存的辽,金和西夏(北宋)

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The Northern Song was a regime of the Han people founded by Zhao Kuangyin who was known as Emperor Taizu.

The Song capital was located in Kaifeng in Henan Province.
Song lasted 319 years from 960, when Zhao Kuangyin, founded Song through an army revolt, to 1279 when it was destroyed by Mongolia.
Its existence was longer than that of the Tang Dynasty; however its influence is less-reaching than that of the Tang Dynasty in history. The long-term existence of Song due to, first, unlike the generals before him who had declared themselves emperors of dynasties that soon failed, Zhao Kuangyin lived a long life. This allowed him to establish a more solid foundation for his successors.
Another reason that his dynasty lasted longer was that he did not try to fight the Khitans in the north ; instead he conquered the southern half of China. The southern kingdoms, while economically and culturally advanced, did not have strong militaries and were relatively easy to defeat.
In order to maintain peace with the Khitans, the Song was forced to pay them annual tributes.
There were two periods in Song, the Northern Song and the Southern Song. The Northern Song was a time coexisted with its counterparts of Liao, Xia and Jin.The Southern Song was continuing of the Northern Song which was retained in the south.
The founding of Song Dynasty once again ended the disunifica-tion of the ancient China since the end of the Tang Dynasty.
The Making of Song Dynasty : In the 6th year of Xiande (959) of the Later Zhou, Emperor Shizong, Cai Rong died of illness, so Emperor Gong, seven years old then, succeeded to the throne.
北宋的建立:五代后周显德六年(959 ),周世宗柴荣病死,七岁的恭帝继位时任殿前都点检、归德军节度使的赵匡胤掌握了军权。
In the early first lunar moon of the following year, Zhao Kuangyin, Satrap and Commander of the imperial army, started a mutiny in Chenqiaoyi(southeast of Fengqiu in Henan) and led an army into Kaifeng to force Emperor Gong to abdicate his throne to him.
翌年正月初,赵匡胤在陈桥驿 (今河南封丘东南陈桥镇)发动兵变,黄袍加身。并率军人开封,胁迫周恭帝禅位,夺取了皇位。
Kaifeng remained as the capital ,but the name of the dynasty was changed to the Song, which became known as the Northern Song in history because the Guide Army led by Zhao Kuangyin garrisoned in Song Prefecture.
The Northern Song had nine emperors who ruled for a total of 168 years.
The fourth year after the establishment of the Northern Song Dynasty, the rulers of Song commenced to carry out their military operations to unify China by applying the strategy—“the south first and the north second. ”
北宋建立后的第四年,就开始进行统一全国的军事行动,并采取了“先南后北” 的政策。
They held that to keep the defense in their Northern fronts was wise because Liao was strong enough not to be defeated easily ; contrastively, those southern states were economically and culturally advanced, however, with weak military strength.
Since 963 after fighting for over decades of years across the country, Song eliminated the resistant forces of the Later Zhou and cleared away the separatist regimes of the Jingnan, the Later Shu, the Southern Han and the Southern Tang.
Later, Emperor Taizong summoned Wuyue and the Former Shu to surrender, which meant the end of the Southern states.
In 979, Taizong of Song personally led his strong army and destroyed the Northern Han, the last kingdom of the ten states. By this time, the state of warfare that had lasted over 200 years from the time of the An Lushan and Shi Siming Revolts in the Tang Dynasty almost ended.
The Northern Song^ territories extended to the eastern and southern coastlines. In the north, it bordered on the Liao, along the present-day Jin River, Baxian in Hebei and Yanmenguan in Shanxi. In the northwest, it reached as far as the Baiyu Mountain in Shaanxi, the eastern Gansu and the northeastern Qinghai, and was contiguous to the Western Xia and the Turfan. In the southwest it bordered on Vietnam.
The later Jin of the Five Dynasties and Ten States cec%l the sixteen cities of Youyun to Liao of Qidan.
In order to regain it, the Northern Song and Liao had been fighting for a long time.
Actually, since Zhao Kuangyin came to power, the Northern Song fought many wars with Liao but failed to recover the land.
Till to the year of 1004, a peace pact was concluded in Chanzhou, under which the Liao obtained a bountiful annual gift of silver and silk from the Northern Song, while Emperor Zhenzong had to admit Empress Dowager Xiao of the Liao aunt and take Shengzong of Liao as his brother.
Since then the northern border of Song was peaceful and quiet. The pact between the Northern Song and the Liao was later known as “the Pact of Chanyuan” in history.
The Economy and Politics of the Northern Song : The early Northern Song peri-od (960 ?997) covered the reigns of Emperors Taizu and Taizong. In order to a-chieve a long reign instead of becoming the sixth short-lived dynasty after the Five Dynasties in the north, Zhao Kuangyin, Taizu of the Northern Song, made great efforts to end separations and introduced a package of political, military and economic reforms aiming at u strengthening the central government while weakening the local”.
北宋的政治、经济:在宋朝建立之初,也就是太祖、太宗时期(960 ~ 997),为使宋王朝能长治久安,而不致成为继五代后的第六个短命的王朝,宋太祖赵匡胤除了致力于结束五代十国的分裂割据局面之外,还制定了一系列的方针政策,大力实施“强干弱枝”政策。
Militarily, to avoid the old tricks of the powerful garrison commanders to kill and replace the emperor, Taizu successfully removed their governing rights over the army in a banquet after they sensed the implication of Emperor Taizu. After that some civil perfects were put into important positions and the commanders of the army were not allowed to be represented in the government.
Taizu abolished the post of Commander of the Imperial Army and set up a Military Council to take charge of troop-deployment arrangement, but without any power to command troops.
The Marshals and the Military Council had their own duties but held each other in check. They were both under direct control of the emperor.
In the army, a shifting defense system was implemented:troops and their commanders were regularly transferred to different regions for military service to prevent them from forming cliques.
Administrative reforms, following the system of the Tang Dynasty, in-cluded the three central agencies, the Secretariat, the Military Council, and the Chancellor of the Treasury, which were placed under the chief Minister to share ad-ministrative,military and financial power. In this way,the chief Minister would not have too much power.
Measures were also taken to drain the power of local despotic satraps, limit their wealth and utilize their most capable men. Finally, these satraps were given sinecures in the capital, while their former domains were to be governed by civil prefects appointed by the emperor and under the direct control of the royal house.
The local surplus revenues, after deduction for expenditures, weresubject to the central government.
These reforms greatly strengthened the power of the central government, created political stability and spurred economic development. The increase in centralized power also produced negative effects such as the weakening of local governments and the military strength.
In examination, Taizu of the Song innovatedly chose the talented staff by presiding over the test in person.
Therefore, more capable statesmen were singled out to work for the government which enlarged the bureacracy and consolided the regime of the Northern Song.
The policy of the strong central government and weak military officials did successfully help to establish a strong central government which maintained the social stability and laid foundation for ending the separation and enhancing the development of economy. All these led to the long reign of the Song Dynasty. However, it left an impoverished and weak local government with limited power and military strength, poverty of the country and heavy troubles from other states to face the threats from their strong enemies in the north, namely, the Liao (the former Qi-dan), the Xi Xia and Jin.
Although enormous silvers and silks were attributed to Liao annually, Song was suffered from the consistent situation of being threatened and finally was conquered by Liao.
Despite all the defects towards the outside, the Northern Song^ administration was successful and its economy, culture and science were as developed and advanced as that of the Tang Dynasty and even more than that.
The Growth of the Northern Song : The growth of the city was drastically improved in the Northern Song.
The layout of the cities before the Northern Song was that the workshops and the uptowns were separated.
However, with the growth of economy and expansion of the population the division was eliminated and the workshops could be found everywhere instead of gathering in certain place.
The middle period of the Northern Song (998 ~ 1099), lasting from Emperor Zhenzong to Emperor Zhezong, was an important period in the history of the Northern Song.
北宋中期(998 ~ 1099),从真宗到哲宗时期是北宋历史的重要时期。
The farmlands were doubled in ten years after the establishment of the Northern Song.
The new economic policies such as the “two-taxes” system and the tenancy system greatly motivated the peasants to work.
As a result, population increased, more lands were cultivated, more advanced iron tools were made, more effective farming techniques appeared and farming products became more diversified besides doubled in output.
Statistics show that in the 3rd year of Zhidao (997) of Emperor Taizong9s reign, there were 4.13 million families on the household register. But in the 8th year of Jiayou (1063) of Emperor Renzong^ reign, the number of families increased to 12.46 million.
据统计, 宋太宗至道三年(997),北宋户籍上有413万多户,而到宋仁宗嘉祐八年(1063), 北宋户数已逾1246万多户。
Farm lands increased from 300 million in the 2nd year of Zhidao (996) of Emperor Taizong^ reign to 520 million mu in the 5th year of Tianxi (1063) of Emperor Zhenzong’s reign.
This fast agricultural growth promoted the development of handicrafts and commerce.
In the Northern Song dynasty, industries of shipbuilding, metallurgy, textiles, dyeing, paper-making and china-making all experienced greater progress than any previous dynasties either in scale of production or techniques.
The old patterns of the trade were broken which resulted in the prosperous business situation in the cities. There were a-bout 40 cities with population over 100 000 family households and Kaifeng became a commercial center of the Northern Song.
The capital Kaifeng also named Dongjing or Bianjing in the Northern Song Dynasty.
As records said that there were not less than 160 trades of handcrafts and business shops in all, so much so that there were numerous people coming and leaving the downtown all day and night.
The busy street of the Dongjing was crammed with various kinds of goods from all over the country even from Japan, Korean and Arab.
To meet the needs of expanded economy, the Northern Song issued the paper money, called Jiaozi, the earliest paper money in the world. Paper money appeared and soon was in widespread use which indicats an epoch-making growth of economy in the Northern Song Dynasty.
Meng Yuanlao of the Northern Song in hisbook, Dongjing Menghua Lu( the Collections of The Prosperous Dongjing ), depicted the rich and thriving of Dongjing in details : there are downtowns, hotels, teahouses, and bawdyhouses in Dongjing ; all the businesses end till deep night and start very early in the next morning; at any time of the year, there are always continuous flow of people so that Dongjing seems a Nightless City.
宋人孟元老曾撰 《东京梦华录》,详尽描写了宋东京的繁华,当时开封城中有闹市、有酒楼、有茶馆、 有妓院,城中夜市至三更方尽,五更时分又再燃灯开张,夜以继日,人烟不断,可谓 “不夜城”。
Still, the painter of the Northrn Song, Zhang Zeduan, described the flourishing Dongjing in his picture, Qinming ShangHeTu (the Scene on the Pure Brightness Day). Accommodating more than 600 people in vistas, his picture was a treasure of arts in Chinese history.
The Chinese word Shanghe means worship of the ancestors of the family.
上河是宋时民间对清明祭祖坟之谓,意同 “上冢”。
In the picture, he focused on the scenery around the Eastern Jiaozi Gate of Dongjing and the banks of the Bian River and noted down with painting the crowded and prosperous moment on the festival of the Pure Brightness, a traditional Chinese festival for ancestor worship. By depicting the heavy traffic, the gathering of all the business trades and the foot passengers, the picture revealed the splendor and thrives of the Kaifeng, the most prosperous capital of ancient China.
There were high achievements in terms of literature and history in the Northern Soiig Dynasty and many famous and productive persons were made in this time.
Education and the examination system became central to the upper class. It created the space for the development of the bookmen.
The rise in the popularity of education was due in part to advances made in printing and the greater availability of books.
Examinations grew progressively in popularity throughout China ; although, only a few were allowed to pass to fill the administrative positions.
This resulted in the education itself, and the attempted examination, gaining more importance socially than it had in the past.
In history, the New History of Tang , complied by Ouy-ang Xiu, contributed a lot to the preservation of the history of Tang.The History as a Mirror(Zi Zhi Tong Jian) wrote by Sima Guang, starting from the third year of Yingzong (1066) and finished in the 7th year of Shenzong ( 1084) was of great historical value.Sima Guang once said that the book, which cost him 19 years, was made with all his energy and efforts .
Consisting of 294 Juan , the book recorded events from the 23 rd year of the emperor Zhouwei in the Warring States (403 B. C. ) to the end of the Later Zhou, the 6th year of the Five Dynasties, covering 1362 years of history with the prosper and wane of the dynasties and the success and the fails of the administrative practice as well. This book offered the later emperors the significant reference besides its literature and historical charms.
In literature ,the poems of the Song Dynasty carried forword the cause into future, especially the Ci , was another remarkable success following the Tang Dynasty.
The most prominent poets are Ouyang Xiu, Yan Shu, Liu Yong, Su Shi, Qin Guan and Zhou Bangyan etc.
Among them Liu Yong and Zhou Bangyan were widely known for their description of delicate feelings and Su Shi was much praised for his plain and graceful style.
The prose writing reached another height : Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Che, Wang Anshi, Zeng Gong of the Song Dynasty and Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan of the Tang Dynasty were called The Eight Most Prominent poets of the Tang and Song”.
With the endeavors of writers from the Song Dynasty, the reform against the old style of flowery parallelism and favored the classic form of prose was gainful and left today’s world with voluminous,expressive writings.
Meanwhile the drama and vernacular tales,which were humorous and satirical accompanied with recitation and dance, became very popular. These were the prototypes and foundations of the drama and novels of the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty.
在散文、诗、词等文学 形式发展的同时,话本和戏曲这类民间说唱文学也蓬勃发展,并为元代戏曲和明代小说的兴盛,打下了雄厚的基础。
Hence, the literatures in the Northern Song Dynasty were in the stage of pioneering and transition.
This period also saw a boom in science and culture as a result of the inventionand application of the compass, printing techniques and gunpowder.
The gunpow der could be used as a weapon in siege warfare.
Foreign trade expanded greatly, and the Chinese had the best ships in the world in the Song Dynasty.
Their ships contained as many as four decks, six masts, and a dozen sails. The seaships were guided by a stern post rudder, while navigation was done through the use of charts and compasses. These ships could carry 500 men.
European ships on the other hand used manu power and an inefficient steering oar.
Advances were also made in medicine, as the first autopsy was performed in about 1145 on the body of the southern Chinese captives.
宋时的医学在世界上也居于领先地位,在公元1145年 就以南方的俘虏为试验做过人体解剖。
The Perdition of the Northern Song: “The strong central government policy” carried out at the early stage of the Song was turned out to be a poor and weak government in that it was submissive to its northern counterparts outside, and inside the court corruptions were in rampage.
Under these circumstances, the higher officials in the Northern Song advocated reforms in hoping of turning the declining tides.
The well-known examples are the“Qingli Reform” during Emperor Renzong,s reign and the “Wang Anshi Reform” during Emperor Shenzong.
But these reforms brought about few results, with strong opposes from the conservatives in the court for the sake of their own interests hence the Northern Song went into decline.
Social conflicts became increasingly common.
Both military and political expansion together with quick land annexation pace gravely depleted the government treasury.
The last stage of the Northern Song (1100 ?1127) covering the reigns of Em-perors Huizong and Qinzong was the darkest and most corrupted period of the entire dynasty.
宋徽宗(1100 ~ 1127)在位时期是北宋王朝最腐朽黑暗的时期。
Many peasants, the impoverished and the homeless on account of corruption and poverty, rose to rebel against the government.
The uprisings led by Fang La and Song Jiang were the biggest worry of the period.
The peasants uprising ,led by Song Jiang at Liangshanpo, Shandong province, fought with the Song^ troops in Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Anhui, and the Northern Jiangsu . Although the peasants army won over the government army, their general, Song Jiang accepted amnesty and pledged loyalty to the Emperor.
At the time the Huizong of Song was fond of rare stones, thus collected rare jewels all over the country and shipped them back capital. Every ten ships was a Gang ( unit of counting the ships), therefore the goods were named 4<the Gang of Beautiful Stones,T ( Hua Shi Gang ). The sheer grab brought sufferings to the families especially in the southeast of Hangzhou City, which finally led to the uprising of Fang La.
This was the largest peasants uprising in the Northern Song which lasted from the October 2nd of Xuanhe(1120) to the March in 1122.
Fang La, a tenant, was born in Muzhou of Qingxi(now Chun^n County, Zhejiang).
His hometown was teemed with bamboos, lumber, lacquer and tea etc. The two government workshops pinched thousands kilo of lacquer and lumbers so much so that the small private business and the populace were forced to the corner and complains were heard everywhere.
青溪及其附近地区盛产竹、木、 漆、茶等经济作物,造作局和应奉局每年从这里勒索成千上万斤的漆,其他竹木花石的数量也极为庞大。小生产者和一般劳动人民的生活陷入绝境,怨声载道。
In 1120, Fang La staged a peasant uprising and established his regime.
In three months he and his men took control of six prefectures and over 60 counties in modern Zhejiang and Anhui provinces , while their forces grew nearly a million, which shocking the southeast of China.
When the uprising threatened Hangzhou, the general Tong Guan was sent to fight against the peasant army.
At the same time, the Emperor, Zhenzong of the Song apologized to the public for his misdeeds and promised to abolish the agencies of workshop and stop shipping of the rare rocks and stones.
When Tong Guan crossed the river and directed his army to attack Hangzhou from two directions, the local militia all gathered to cooperate to fight.
童贯带领的宋军过江之后,分路指向杭州等地。这时各地的地主武装也纷 纷出来配合官军进攻。
The uprising army was defeated and in April the following year, Fang La was captured and soon put to death in Kaifeng.
Other uprisings were put out till 1122.
Although the uprisings at the end of the Song Dynasty were destroyed, they weakened the reign of the Northern Song badly.
Moreover, external aggression aggravated the sad situation of the Northern Song. For a long time, the Northern Song kept fighting against the Liao, the Xi Xia and the Jin.
At that time, the Jin established by Nuzhen grew strong. To recover the sixteen states of Youyun, the Northern Song sent an emissary to the state of Jin to negotiate an agreement for a joint attack on the Liao. However, the resort also exposed its weakness to Jin.
Therefore soon after the destroy of Liao, a powerful Jin force launched a large-scale attack on the Northern Song in winter in the 7th year of Xuanhe of Huizong (1125).
The two troops of Jin attacked Taiyuan from the west and the east together with Nianhan and Wobuli as their leaders respectively.
Meanwhile the Northern Song was in panic and Huizong of Song gave the throne to his son, Zhao Heng, who was known as Qinzong and pinned on him the hope to improve the situation and turn the tide.
The Jin’s army has arrived at the bank of the Yellow River, threatening the Song’s capital, Kaifeng. Huizong fled to Jinling(now Nanjing).
Under the direction of Li Gang, the chancellor of the Northern Song, Jin was defeated and was detained to march southwards for a while. However, the Emperors of the Northern Song were not resolute to fight, instead, they sent emissary to seek negotiation with the Jin.
A peace pact was agreed inwhich the Northern Song promised to cede lands and give tributes to Jin except dismissed Li Gang and other loyalists, thus the troops of the Jin became even fearless.
In the 1st year of Jingkang( 1126), the Jin army conquered Kaifeng, the capital of the Northern Song.
In the following year, the Northern Song emperor was deposed and his dynasty came to end.
In all, the Northern Song lasted 168 years with the reign of nine emperors of seven generations.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
strategy ['strætidʒi]


n. 战略,策略

rampage ['ræm.peidʒ]


v. 狂暴地乱冲 n. 暴怒,狂暴行为

regime [rei'ʒi:m]


n. 政体,制度
n. 养生法(=regime

banquet ['bæŋkwit]


n. 宴会
vi. 宴请
vt. 宴

resort [ri'zɔ:t]


n. (度假)胜地,手段,凭借
vi. 诉诸,

decline [di'klain]


n. 衰微,跌落; 晚年
v. 降低,婉谢

ancestor ['ænsistə]


n. 祖宗,祖先,原种

plain [plein]


n. 平原,草原
adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简

availability [ə.veilə'biliti]


n. 有效,有用,有益;可得到的人(或物)

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数





