After the Qing army entered the Shanhai Gate, the surrendered general from Ming, Wu Sangui was conferred the title of Pingxiwang and stationed in Yunnan ; Shang Kexi Pingnanwang in Guangdong, Geng Jingzhong Jing-puwang in Fujian.
They were called uThree FeudatoriesThe Three Feudatories had their armies and set up their own separatist regime, acting like the independent kingdoms and spending a great deal of military expenditure, which made half of the national wealth be spent on them ”.
The Three Feudatories were arrogant and domineering,becoming the barriers for the Qing Government to stablize the national political power and strengthen the frontiers.
When Kangxi came to theign, he took it as the task of top priority to cut down to state the Three ries. His suppression of the Three Feudatories was helpful to the integration of the nation.
康熙帝亲政后,将削藩列为当务之急,其平定 “三藩”有利于全国的统一。
The Qing Dynasty unified Taiwan, strengthened the communication between Taiwan and the inland, improved the development of Taiwan and consolidated the Southeast.
Qing also enforced its control over Mongol and Xinjiang, suppressed the rebellion of the entry of Huijiang and enhanced the management in Tibet.
All of these provided the favorable conditions for the development of the economy.
From the mid-time of Kangxi, the agricultural production had restored and developed gradually. The handicrafts in the Qing Dynasty were more prosperous than that in the Ming Dynasty.