When talking about food of the future, soylent green (the foodstuffs made out of people from the classic Sci-Fi movie of the same name) and grasshoppers leap to mind. Well, I don’t think most of today’s (or tomorrow’s) consumers are too interested in snacking on the remains of their neighbors. Nevertheless, the idea of what kind of foods we will be chowing down on in the not-too-distant future is interesting to explore; especially considering that we can expect an increase of over 2 BILLION people living on the planet by 2050. Just how will 9+ billion people feed themselves? Well, just consider the strides in food production and consumption that the world has experienced in the past 50 years. Where staples such as chicken and beef have been supplemented with genetically enhanced meat products, soybean and a host of other products that we consume daily, we can certainly expect even more dietary innovations to meet consumption needs. With this is mind, let’s take a look at the top ten foods of the future.

The idea of "meat" consisting of ingredients that don’t include animals would have seemed pretty far-fetched not so many years ago. Today, we know differently, and the trend in this area will continue to grow as population growth begins to outpace currently available food sources. Meat production is a huge and expensive industry. Vegetarian products, however, are cheaper to produce and tend to be healthier as well (great news for animal lovers).
很多年前, 人们还不能相信"肉"是指不包括动物在内的食物原料。现如今,事情则大相径庭,而且这一趋势还将继续加强。因为人口增长速度远远快于现有的食物供给速度,肉类加工业又是一个庞大而高成本的产业。相比而言,素食产品生产成本低且比较健康。(相信这对肉食爱好者是个好消息)
Most of us already know about soya products. Made from soya beans, these products have found some traction in Asia. Prepared properly, these products have a texture that is very similar to meat and, with some inventive seasoning, can provide a wide variety of flavor. Soya is just one example that is currently being used. Other innovative products show equal promise and look to be available in increasing quantities in coming years. This includes such products such as Quorn, a fungus. Yeah, I know – but hey, so are mushrooms and all kinds of stuff can be produced from that particular family of fungi. Anyway, Quorn is produced from a fermented fungus and reportedly taste very similar to actual meat products. Add in such products produced from the likes of lupines to wheat gluten, and a very profitable and practical source of food is available from non-traditional sources. Assuming that the products in question and other similar offerings can reproduce the taste/flavor of the meat products they hope to supplement (or replace); then we all might be wolfing down a tree leaf burger in the very near future.

It’s a true fact that a good deal of the world’s population is carnivorous. We like our meat. And while there are other products that attempt to reproduce the taste, flavor, and texture of meat (some successful, others not so much); the truth of the matter is that these products are still not real meat. Sometimes, we want a burger – a real, honest-to-God sandwich that began as a cow.
Fortunately, science is working on resolving this primitive desire in a manner that may alleviate the need for an actual animal. In-vitro or cultured meat involves "growing" meat. "Growing" is the best way to describe the process of tissue-engineering that is required to accomplish this feat. The method entails taking cells from a live animal, which are then used to grow…well…meat. I don’t pretend to understand the science behind all of this, but the idea is an interesting one. In fact, such a method could darn near resolve hunger around the world (theoretically). This idea is still in the development/research stage, but the potentials of a breakthrough are not difficult to imagine – ready-made meat products that are easily manufactured without having to deal with herds of live animals would be incredibly profitable. And for the consumer – we will have our meat!

The first thing that comes to mind is, "isn’t this like eating fungus?" No, not really. One of the interesting things about this particular subject matter is to reflect on the various changes that have come about concerning food production and consumption. Just 50 years ago, the answer to the world’s growing consumption needs was the so-called "green revolution". Farmers were introduced to scientifically altered (hybrid) seeds and new types of fertilizers to enhance crops. As a result, farmers were able to grow twice as much as before. The downside was the need for more land and water (we use A LOT of water) – we are now close to a saturation point where traditional farming is prohibitive.
As such, producers have to figure out how to grow food in places that normally are not very hospitable to do so. Enter algae. Algae are microscopic organisms that have the ability to grow very fast. More to the point, they can grow in the sea, and even in polluted water. Seaweed and kelp, in fact, are forms of algae. While most folks have not had a cuisine consisting of what could be considered sea grass – these forms of algae could provide an accessible and affordable dietary option. The real appeal of algae is in expanding the dietary offerings that it presents and in the by-products (such as algae oil) that can be derived from this readily abundant source from nature. Hey – if blue whales and other marine life enjoy the stuff, maybe there’s something to it after all.
7.Insects, Bugs, and Small Critters

Truth is truth. We may not like it, but that doesn’t impact on facts of the matter. And one truth that can be derived out of a discussion about the consumption of insects, is that they provide a very good source of protein. And apparently, we need protein. But that’s not all. Of the various species of bugs that are eaten (well over 1,400 that are common), they all commonly provide a low fat, low cholesterol, and high calcium and iron affair. Yes, they can be a bit slimy (and crunchy), but they are good for you. While insects are not uncommon fodder in Asia, Africa and South America; the rest of the world has not really followed suit. This probably has a lot to do with culture, perception and need.
真理就是真理。也许你并不喜欢,但那也不会对真理产生丝毫影响。由"食用昆虫"这一讨论中我们可以得出一个真理——昆虫富含蛋白质。显然,我们需要蛋白质。 但并非所有昆虫都如此。超过1400种臭虫被人们食用过,它们为人体提供低脂肪、低胆固醇物质的同时也为人体补充丰富的钙元素和铁元素。没错,它们身体表面 黏滑且"不堪一击",但是它们的确对人体有好处。
Nevertheless, insects provide very little space to breed and generally inexpensive to do so as well. Add this to the fact that they can provide a nutritional meal, and we have all the makings of a new food group. Indeed, crickets, caterpillars, grasshoppers and June beetles are just a few of the favored multi-legged delicacies available. In fact, there are a number of advocacy groups that are promoting the use of insects as a dietary staple. They have a legitimate point, especially when one considers the shortage of food in many parts of the world. Insects can provide an affordable source of the vital nutrients that humans need to survive. Granted, images of fried grasshopper may not be dancing in your head right now, but very soon you may have a craving for chocolate-covered ants. Just wait.
尽管食用昆虫在亚洲,非洲和南美地区并不常见,但在世界上的其他地区却并不罕见。这大概与文化、认知和需求有关。昆虫可以在很小的空间内繁殖,繁殖能力很强。你要试着告诉自己,食用昆虫即享用"营养大餐"。如此,我们就又拥有了一个全新的食物分类——昆虫。蟋 蟀、毛虫、蚱蜢、六月甲虫,这些仅仅只是为人们所喜爱的"多腿(昆虫)佳肴"中的一部分而已。事实上,不少支持食用昆虫的组织正积极宣传,鼓励人们将昆虫作为主食。他们这样做是有一定合理性的,尤其是考虑到世界上多个地区存在的粮食短缺问题。昆虫可以为人们提供人类生存所需的重要营养物质,并且人人都可以负担的起(费用)。就算现在的你无法想像你吃着"油炸蚱蜢"的"醉人画面",但也许不久之后的你会吃着蚂蚁馅的巧克力并且爱不释手!让我们拭目以待吧。

The basic problem with meat, is that maintaining the necessary livestock is becoming more and more unsustainable. One study declared that livestock took up about 30% of available land space on the planet, not to mention the greenhouse effect of their biological emissions. Additionally, well over 50% of grain production (a good chunk of available farmable land) is devoted to feeding livestock. Basically, with the ever increasing population, we simply cannot raise enough cows to feed all these folks.
The sea, on the other hand, provides excellent sources of food that is much easier to cultivate/breed. And I’m not talking about a bunch of fishermen out at sea hauling in more loads of produce (images of the show "Deadliest Catch" and the movie A Perfect Storm are coming to mind). Rather, we are talking about fish farms on land – places where different types of fish are specifically bred and raised to be turned into a fillet (think Tilapia and Cobia). It certainly makes economic and practical sense. Seafood, of just about any variety, takes an enormous amount of resources to catch – whether we are talking about shrimp or crabs. The ability to produce these products in a more domestic fashion would make them more available and presumably cheaper for us, the consumer. And the wide variety of species that make water their home gives produces plethora of choices to market. The new open ranges will be filled with trout.
另一方面,海洋也提供了丰富优质的食物资源,而且更易于养殖。我不是要讨论渔民们出海捕捞海产品(脑中立马浮现Deadliest Catch 和电影《完美风暴》)。而是说在陆地上养殖鱼类——不同种类的鱼有不同的喂养方式,之后再加工成如罗非鱼和军曹鱼等鱼。养殖鱼类经济、实际。海鲜带来了极为丰富的食物资源,比如虾或蟹。养殖海鲜在国内日渐流行,消费者会更易买到这些产品,价格可能也会便宜一点。海产品种类繁盛,消费者们也会挑花了眼。鳟鱼随后也会进入市场。