Five Key Rules to Follow When Lending Money to Friends and Family
In today’s economy, it’s easy to understand how someone can find themselves in a dark place financially. To help guide you toward making the right decision, we asked financial experts to share five key things to consider before cracking open your wallet.
Rule 1: Only Say Yes if You Mean It
If you feel guilt-tripped into making the loan by the asker (“I’m desperate!”) or you question your own hesitation (“I must be a bad person or I wouldn’t feel conflicted”), then turn her down.
Rule 2: Lend Just What You Can Afford to Lose
Bottom line: Be prepared for the worst by giving only an amount that, if never returned, wouldn’t jeopardize your own savings goals, bill-paying ability or other relationships.
Rule 3: Create a Firm Repayment Timeline
It’s also wise to charge interest and work that into your repayment schedule. Depending on the amount, loaning money can involve complicated tax rules; failing to charge interest might get you in trouble. To avoid this, you may want to charge the borrower the Applicable Federal Rate (APR) as interest.
Rule 4: Always Put the Loan in Writing
You can draft a simple personal loan agreement without hiring an attorney. But more complex deals—for example, if they involve collateral or involve more than $10,000—may require a lawyer to be involved.
Rule 5: Never Let the Due Date Slide
If your dinero doesn’t show on time, ignoring the lateness or making excuses for not confronting the borrower would be a mistake. She might continue going along as if the due date you set is a loose guideline rather than a rule.
Make it more businesslike, so neither of you feels like you’re taking advantage of the other.