Read through for 3 ways growing up a bookworm affected my life for the better, which are benefits your kids can also get in on if they're encouraged to be readers early on.
1.I learned new words constantly as a kid (and still do), and developed language at an advanced rate. Because I read so often, I was constantly looking up or asking my parents what new words meant. It then became like a game to use my new words as a party trick of sorts both in school and around friends. When my friends were forming three-word sentences, I was speaking in paragraphs (and still do).
2.I have the memory of an elephant. Reading books with a lot of characters and storylines puts pressure on the reader to recall events and names, something that for me, as a reader, definitely carried over into everyday life. I'm amazing at remembering birthdays, middle names, and tons of other useless — and not useless — pieces of information.
3.I can tune out pretty much any type of noise or distraction. If you aren't completely focused on the story you're reading, you'll miss details that could be important, which makes comprehension and recall more difficult as you read. When you read a lot, you have no choice but to adapt to your surroundings and focus on the story alone, even if that means blocking out noises from kid toys or loud TV shows. Being able to concentrate on a book translates to being tuned-in to real-life moments with loved ones, in the classroom, at work, and more.