5.If We Are Conscious after Death, It Is Not Clear How Long This Consciousness Lasts
Assuming that the brain truly can live on after the death of the body, the next question is, how long can the brain function after death? The answer to that question makes a huge difference in many areas that are currently considered to be pseudo-science.

The belief in ghosts and spirits is one of the most common paranormal beliefs. The belief is spread around the world, regardless of education or religion. People from all walks of life claim not only claim to have seen or feel the presence of someone who is known to be dead but truly believe that this is the case. Of course, the belief of ghosts and spirits has been capitalized on by media and Hollywood. But, the legend of a dead person's spirit remaining among the living is an incredibly old one. If it was possible that consciousness, whatever it is, could continue even after the heart stops beating and the brain stops functioning, then the idea of ghosts is not as far-fetched as it once was.
4.You Live On Through Your Genes

Thinking about life after death is not limited purely to consciousness. People's traits and personalities can live on long after they die through their genes. Genetic science, one of the harder sciences of the biological set and it is somewhat easier to experiment with than psychiatry or neuroscience because it does not require scientists to rely so much on people being truthful.
Many people know that their physical traits and abilities are often passed on to their children through their genes. Hair color, eye color, height and weight are all things that are established partly through the heredity of genes. But it is not just physical features that live on through these genes. Some studies suggest that the trauma you experience can be passed on through your genes as well. Recent studies have suggested that Holocaust survivors' genetics were affected by the indescribable trauma they suffered during the Second World War. A new study was released by researchers at Mount Sinai hospital in New York. The study looked at the genetics of 32 Jewish men and women who had either experienced torture at a concentration camp or who had to go into hiding during WWII. If it is true, the process of passing on trauma through genes is called epigenetic inheritance. This is the idea that your lifestyle can go on to affect the genetic disposition of any children you have. It can even potentially be passed on to grandchildren. Epigenetic inheritance is very controversial within science but it has been studied in many areas. One study suggested that Dutch women who gave birth to girls during the famine that came at the end of WWII saw that these babies would grow up to have a higher than average risk of schizophrenia. Although the details have not yet been determined, the idea does not sound preposterous. Accounts that deal with the survivors of the Armenian death marches in 1915 would suggest that not only were the traumas encountered suffered by those who lived through it, but subsequent generations of the survivors families would find that they suffered some of the same fears as their parents and grandparents did while living through the genocide during World War I.
3.The Debate Between Nature and Nurture Has Not Yet Been Solved

The debate about the use of genetics in determining patterns in human behaviors has not been solved. Charles Darwin says that human behavior is the result of evolutionary processes that were created over time to help humans survive and adapt to new conditions. There is scientific evidence for his claims and he is known as the father of the debate on human nature.
Then, the glory years of psychiatry came along. Sigmund Freud, a definitive thinker at the time, said that human behavior is the product of nurture. His famous argument suggested that personalities, traits and behaviors were created in spite of and because of the way that children are treated by their parents, or their absentee parents. The debate has raged on over the years and each side makes valid points, some of which can be validated scientifically. The importance of this debate does not necessarily lie in who is right and who is wrong. Instead, it is important that humans note that there are patterns in behavior. Whether someone is alcoholic because they were surrounded by alcoholic parents or because there is a predisposition in their genes, what scientists do know is that behaviors have a way of living on through children and grandchildren. Whether a person has children of their own or adopts non-biological children, something of them will be passed on to their children and live on long after they are dead. If you think that you can drink because you're Irish or that you are loud because you are Italian then you have bought into a cultural norm that persists through either nature or nurture or perhaps even a combination of the two.
2.There Is No Proof That There Is Life after Death

One of the biggest reasons that science has not prepared itself to truly explore the phenomenon of life after death is because there is no proof that there is life after death. There is no proof that the soul exists and there is no proof regarding the parameters of consciousness. Because there is no conclusive proof, many people walk away from it scientifically because they believe it to be fruitless.
1.There Is No Proof That There Is No Life after Death

But at the end of the day, even though there is no proof of life after death, there is no proof that there is not life after death either. The entire concept is a mysterious subject. So many psychological signs point to the idea that there may be life after we pass on but none of these pass onto the physical.
The intense desire to find out what happens to people after they die is one that has gone for as long as the world has had written sources. For thousands of years, people have been asking the same questions about the afterlife. Religion has created all kinds of different possibilities. The monotheistic Abrahamic religions have one idea while pagan traditions have more than one. Regardless of the belief system in place, one thing is clear: it is a subject that everyone wants to be better informed in. If the conscious exists, the drive to discover the keys to death and life are possibly a reflection of the potential to live on after we die. Some psychologists would say that this fear is the fear of the unknown but this is a superficial stance to take on the matter. It is possible to assume that these driving forces come from a knowledge somewhere within consciousness that people do live on after they die. Either way, if this is not true, no one can prove it.