India ranks abysmal 87 of 144 nations in gender equality
NEW DELHI: Thanks to closing the gender gap in wages and educational attainment, India rose 21 places in gender equality rankings, but it still stood at an abysmal 87 out of 144 countries evaluated by the World Economic Forum.
And Pakistan ranked second from the bottom, again.
India has in fact fully closed its primary and secondary education enrolment gender gaps, according to the Global Gender Gap Report 2016 released yesterday.
Of other countries in South Asia, Bangladesh outranked India at 72, Sri Lanka ranked 100, Nepal 110, the Maldives 115 and Bhutan 121.
The only country ranked below Pakistan, at last position, is Yemen, at 144.
Globally, the leading four nations continue to be Scandinavian, with Iceland on top, followed by Finland, Norway and Sweden. The US was ranked 45.
Of Brics countries, South Africa ranked 15, Russia was at 75, Brazil ranked 79 and China came in at 99.
China slipped from last year’s position of 91, which in turn was lower than its 2014 ranking of 87.