Worldwide, more than 10 million people are diagnosed with cancer every year. Until recently it was believed that cancer is largely caused by genetic mutations; however, new research from Stony Brook University in the US indicates that up to 90% of cancers could be avoided by living a healthier lifestyle. So eating more of these could help.
One apple a day really can keep the doctor away. According to the Prevent Cancer website, eating antioxidant-rich apples on a daily basis has been associated with a lower risk of lung and colon cancers, while the phytochemicals in apples (including quercetin) have been shown to quash cancerous breast tumors.
Beans, particularly pinto, kidney and red beans, are an exceptional source of antioxidants, they're full of fiber, and are a source of inositol hexaphosphate (also called IP6) which is being studied for its potential to combat cancer. Beans could reduce the likelihood of death from breast, colon, gastric and prostate cancer.
Berries, especially blueberries, are excellent sources of cancer-busting flavonoids and antioxidants, which mop up the free radicals in the body that damage cells. And there’s good news for breast cancer sufferers – blueberries are thought to enhance the positive effects of the drug tamoxifen.

Carotenoids are naturally occurring pigments that give fruit and vegetables their color. Good sources include carrots, sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens, tomatoes, mangoes, apricots and plums. All carotenoids are antioxidants, which protect cells against harm. Studies show that people with higher levels of carotenoids in their blood have a reduced risk of breast cancer. They may also help prevent skin and prostate cancer, as well as cancers of the mouth and larynx.
Research into coffee and cancer has had varying results. A 2015 study by Sweden’s Lund University showed that women who drank more than two cups of coffee a day had smaller breast tumors, and halved their risk of cancer returning if treated with tamoxifen. However, other reports indicate that coffee affects people – and their particular cancer – differently. Coffee consumption, weight and age play a part. The World Health Organization also says drinking very hot coffee is not a good idea.